
Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/19/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

I almost missed posting today!  I usually will sit down on Sunday evening and type up my Happy Homemaker post but I was just too tired yesterday.  I decided that a nap was what was needed for that moment.

Then today, Monday, I was busy working from 10a-4p and then this evening we had Laken's very last High School Open House.  She was just going to go with her friends but we (the hubby and I) have been to every single one of her open houses and decided we weren't going to miss this one either.

There is officially one more day of Summer Vacation here in our house then the school year begins.  Where has the time gone?  I feel like I ask this question all the time but it seriously feels like the weeks fly by.  Fall is in the air!

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

This morning when I went outside to go to work, it definitely felt like the beginnings of  Fall.  It was warm but the breeze was cool.  I think the highest the temperature got today was 73F.  Tomorrow looks to be even cooler but then it gets a bit warmer toward the end of the week.  We've been getting rain here and there but on Sunday afternoon it absolutely dumped the rain.  It was as if someone were pouring the rain out of a bucket instead of being raindrops!  At least the grass has gotten green again :)

On today's to-do list: 

I had to work 10a-4p.  I keep telling myself that when I work this shift, I will get up early and get something accomplished before heading out the door.  Inevitably, I end up sleeping until I absolutely HAVE to get up to get ready.

As I mentioned above, this evening we had Laken's Senior Open House.  When we got home I jumped in the shower and then sat down at my desk to have my devotion time and now type this post.

Happening this week:

Counting today, I work 4 days in a row this week: M-TH.  I have Friday off but then work Saturday 7a-1p and Sunday 9a-2p.  My work schedule is really strange next week.  I'm also not happy about work on Sunday again  :(

Tuesday should be a fairly relaxing evening unless Laken decides that she needs last-minute items for school.  Other than that I have nothing planned.

Wednesday is the first day of school.  I need to make sure to get up early enough to get first day pictures.  I have the name "necklace" that Laken made on her first day of Kindergarten and I want to get a picture of her with it on.

Currently reading:

Only my devotional and Bible.

I do want to take a moment to mention a new blog I've been reading.  My oldest daughter, Kaylee, has started a brand new blog called Rants, Rambles and Reviews.  I would really appreciate it if you could go check it out and give her some blog-land love!

Listening to:

I really want to see TWISTERS!  Enjoy :)


I managed to catch the last half of the Steelers preseason game against the Bills on Saturday evening.  We lost.  I ended up falling asleep for the last 10 or so minutes.

We watched a cute Christmas movie the other evening.  Now I'm not one to watch Christmas movies in the Summer, but I wanted to spend time with the hubby and he was already watching it.  The movie was about a "scroogette" who gets stuck in a Christmas movie.  A bit predictable, but aren't they all?   :)

In the Kitchen:

I was off last Friday, so I spent the day homemaking :)  One of my favorite things to do is bake.  I finally got a chance to make Zucchini Walnut Chocolate Chip Muffins,  Yummy!  They were actually better the second day :)  If you'd like to check out the recipe you can click HERE.

In the Craft Basket:

I didn't even pick up my hook this week.  Please give me your opinion on whether to outline in Hot Rose or stay Ivory.

Picture from the Camera

Quackers getting a much needed bath :)

Prayer Request

My brother's surgery went well and he is on the mend.  Thank you for the prayers.

Please pray that Laken has a wonderful, healthy, fun and educational Senior Year!  She has had a rough go of it the past few years with being sick and having surgery.  We're really praying for an uneventful year!

Bible Verse

"God is the one I am trying to please."  Galatians 1:10 ERV

Have a great week!



  1. Sounds like a busy week (and school year) for you! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. I love the design with outline in Hot Rose.

  3. That looks yummy. And that duck taking a bath is so cute. I also like Luke Combs.


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