
Thursday, August 29, 2024

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 8/30/2024

All things bookish!

What I Read:

I've been staying up-to-date on my daily Bible reading and devotion time using "Five Minutes of Grace".


What I'm Reading:

I received this book from JustRead Publicity Tours.  My review will be posted on September 27th.


A killer on the loose. A K-9 keeping watch. Police constable Izzy Tremblay knows her father’s death was no accident, so when she finally discovers a lead and is immediately attacked, her suspicions are confirmed. The ambush leaves her in the hospital with three hours of crucial memory missing, which she knows hold the key to finding her father’s murderer. For protection, she takes refuge with her ex-partner, Austin Murray, on his K-9 ranch while she races to uncover the truth. But with danger still lurking, can they stay alive long enough to take down a killer?

First Lines:

The computer screen flashed white and turned black.

56%/Page 56

Izzy had blamed him.  At first.


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


A Beauty and the Beast retelling…

A woman with a secret, a recluse, and a marriage of convenience.

For over a year Isabeau Daniels lived in fear of a stalker. Now, with him in jail, she’s ready to start fresh in Dallas as a housekeeper for Rowan Masters—a well known lawyer and recluse.

A car accident left Rowan Masters burned—both physically and emotionally. He’s spent the last twelve years hiding in his family home—and now, to keep his home he’s forced to marry.

Isabeau loves the feeling of safety that Rowan’s mansion offers, and he needs a wife. When a marriage of convenience turns into something more, can they leave behind the nightmare of the past and find the beauty in loving each other?


Book Haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q. Are you a member of any book clubs, and if so, what has been your most memorable book to discuss with them? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A. I just wrote on my Happy Homemaker Monday blog post that I would love to join a book club!  I used to co-host a Facebook book club that we called Kindred Readers Book Club.  Then I went back to work full-time and it was just too much to keep up with.  I now work part-time and would love to get back into all things book club.  Any recommendations?

BTW, my most memorable book we discussed was The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel.  It was amazing!


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. Hi, Colletta - I love your passion for books. Deb, Sue, Jo and I also host a monthly 'What's On Your Bookshelf'. (September 19/20, October 17/18, November 21/22
    December 19/20). We'd love for you to join us there as well!

  2. I think THE BOOK OF LOST NAMES is in the queue for an upcoming book club meeting. I should know since I am the one who picks the book kits from the library catalog. Ha! ... I admire people who have the dedication to stick with one devotional all the time. I start but rarely finish. Sigh.

  3. That first line makes me shutter. Too many computer issues.

  4. I hope you enjoy it! Have a great Friday!

  5. I read a book that featured a K-9 dog and his master (mistress actually...a female detective) that was set in I think Alaska! It was good...i'm not one for the romance genre which is why I picked that particular one because it was more of a mystery than romance. I wish I could remember the name of it or the author. It was part of a was good!

    I've never belonged to a secular book club but I lead a small group via my church (we started out the first 8 years of me leading it as a typical Bible study group) and the last 2 years I have led it as a more "book club" style..where I choose a Christian non fiction book to read and we come together to discuss it and look up scriptures, etc. this Fall we are doing Loving People Who are Hard to Love byJoyce Meyers. It should be good for discussions!!


  6. K9 Ranch Protection sounds good. The first line is intriguing.

    I've not been in any book clubs. I don't have the time with 2 small kids. I hope that you manage to find a new one 😊

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  7. Great books Colletta! I have actually picked up some new books today. Really looking forward to a bit of 'me time' at the weekend to get through some of them.
    Thanks so much for joining in with #MMBC. Hope to see you again! :)

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your books with us at Talking About it Tuesdays!

    1. And for coming back to share with us at Share Your Shelf today!

  9. I would definitely find some way to remain safe if I thought my dad had been killed and his killer was after me.

  10. Welcome to our linkup ... it's lovely to meet you. We also do a bookish linky on the 3rd Friday of each month.

  11. Like the K9 blurb. Interesting start.

  12. I do love a Beauty and the Beast retelling! Hope you enjoy that. :D

    My weekly roundup.

  13. It’s always a challenge to keep up with one’s Bible reading, isn’t it? I don’t really like following a schedule, as it seems rather robot like, yet reading loosely tends to leave days skipped. Next year I’m planning to do three pages a day, which I hope works fine. Of course, our BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) class teaches to take a passage, ask: what is it about, what did I learn, how can I apply it, and that seems most pertinent of all. Have a good week!

  14. Oooh! All of these books sound interesting! Happy reading!

    Here’s my Sunday Post and The Sunday Watch

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  15. Looks like a lot of good books on tap and that you have been reading. The devotional caught my eye since I need to get a new one.

  16. Hi! Thanks for linking up for My Month Is Booked! :] K-9 Ranch Protection sounds like it'll be an interesting read -- looking forward to see what you thought of it!

    I'm in 2 book clubs. :] We've had some good picks so far but I think so far, the ones that have been most memorable to me = the ones I chose to read on my own.

  17. Happy reading! I love exploring new books and it's posts like this that I enjoy reading because I may find a book or two that I haven't explored just yet. Thank you for sharing your weekly bookishness with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #53. :)

  18. I follow a lot of book bloggers on Instagram--it seems that a lot of them aren't actually blogging any more. I'm not in a book club currently--I was frustrated with my last one when some of the women didn't read the book and didn't want us to discuss it so as not to ruin it for them. lol

  19. Five minutes of Grace sounds like a great way to start the day! Thank you for linking up with us!


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