Friday, February 3, 2023

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 2/3/2023

All things bookish!

What I Read:

I ended up "DNF"ing The School Mistress of Emerson Pass.  It started out promising but there were just too many triggers.  I do NOT recommend this book if you're sensitive to postpartum depression or bipolar disorder triggers.


What I'm Reading:


Sam and Brody remind each other of what they want to forget—bad relationships and broken hearts.

Sam lost her career and her boyfriend on the same day. Needing an escape, she makes a radical decision—leave the big city for a small town, get a regular job, and take a break from men and romance.

Brody is picking up the pieces after divorce. He’s hoping for a fresh start in the small community of Maple Cove. Instead, he’s forced to co-manage a failing animal hospital with Sam, who seems ready to hate him on sight.

Watch two people learn to face their fears and love again in this sweet, small-town enemies to happily-ever-after romance.

Small Town Shepherd is the first book in the sweet romance series Maple Cove Dog Lover’s Society.

First Lines:

Sam pushed through the door into the empty scrub room. The pale-blue walls and gray lockers might seem sterile and clinical to some, but the setting put her at ease.

56%/Page 56

Aramis was a joyful and spirited animal. She couldn't say the same when she finally looked up at the man holding his leash.


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


Maeve McKenna is on the verge of a breakdown. Having worked herself into the ground as a sought-after interior designer in London, she’s in desperate need of a vacation.

Philomena Duffy is a little lonely. After losing her husband, their crumbling mansion, Willow House, feels awfully empty.

With the rugged shores of Ireland calling, Maeve visits her aunt Philomena in Sandy Cove, where she once, as a teenager, kissed a wild, mysterious boy – a kiss she has never been able to forget. The beautiful night’s sky is dotted with stars as far as the eye can see, and Maeve is worlds away from her chaotic life in the city.

As Maeve throws herself into restoring Willow House to its former glory, a deep friendship with Philomena begins to blossom. Surrounded by the faded walls and peeling carpets of the old mansion, together they stumble across a secret that turns their family upside down.

All the while, she can’t stop thinking about the enigmatic boy from her past, and that magical kiss… Is he still in Sandy Cove?

Just as she’s beginning to feel at home, reality calls. Part of Maeve can’t bear to leave Willow House and its rocky beach. Does she have the courage to leave the security of her old life behind, and put down new roots in Sandy Cove, or is that just a daydream?


Book Haul:


Book Blogger Hop:

Q. What was your favorite genre to read as a child? Do you still read that genre, or do you read something else now? (submitted by Mark @ Carstairs Considers)

A. I don't remember what I read as a small child but as a preteen I read books like "The Babysitter's Club", "Little Women" and the like.   As a young teen through my twenties I read what my mom calls "smut books"!  lol  I would say they were R rated but not X rated.  Think Mary Balogh and Johanna Lindsey.  Not exactly what I read now :)


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. Love that Shepherd on the cover!!! Happy weekend!

  2. Pride and Precipitation looks really intriguing. I hope you enjoy it when you get around to reading it.

    I also really liked books like Little Women as a pre-teen. Have a fabulous weekend. - Katie

  3. My first line comes from In Spotlight and Shadows from Rachel Scott Mc Daniel:
    Chapter 1 Elise January, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    History didn’t haphazardly repeat itself in the chapters of Elise Malvern’s life.

  4. I'm currently reading Miss Newbury's List by Megan Walker. It's a super sweet story!
    "My pulse pounded in my ears. Me? Learn to fight? My fists were as delicate as porcelain. This had to be a joke."
    I hope you have a great weekend! 😀❤️📚

  5. I am reading The Chocolate Falcon Fraud at the moment, but I added each of these books to be to be read list.

  6. Thanks for the recommendations...xox

  7. I also enjoyed The Baby-sitters club as a kid :) I went more for the "real" fiction back then. Have a great week!

  8. Secrets of Willow House looks like a great escape book. Sorry you had to DNF The School Mistress of Emerson Pass.

    I read lots of magical books when I was a child, which I (almost) never read now. Funny that you used to read books your mom didn't approve of.

  9. Pride and Precipitation looks very cute.

  10. I loved the Babysitters Club! I think I read them all. They made me think I would enjoy babysitting though and I tried it and hated. I much preferred reading about it. Lol.

  11. I read a lot of history and suspense (like my current read!) Today I'm reading Forged in Love by Mary Connealy. The first line is: "August 1870, Pine Valley, Wyoming, Near the Wind River Mountains ~ A bullet slammed into the side of the stagecoach carrying Mariah Stover, her pa, and her older brother." I hope you have a wonderful week!

  12. Looks like you have some lighter reads ahead! I read The Babysitter's Club too. Have a great week!

  13. Thank you for the warning about The School Mistress. I can understand why you wouldn't be able to finish reading it. I like to know ahead of time before going into books like that because I have to be in the right mind space for them.

    Pride and Precipitation looks so cute! I hope you enjoy it when you read it.

    I hope you have a great week! Take care.

  14. Loved all the covers; and Secrets of Willow House sounds like one I would love;
    My 'smut books' when I was an older teen were Mills and Boons (that is what were available to me growing up in India!).. As for genres, I read (almost) everything and still do try to do the same.. :)
    Here is my Friday post

  15. Your books look good. I want to know what the secret is in Secrets of Willow House. I read a lot of science fiction as a child and still read quite a bit. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. I read a lot of mysteries when I was little - Judy Bolton, Nancy Drew, etc. I also loved the Borrowers. I discovered Romance in my late teens and read those for a while as a way to relax. In the middle of all that I read all kinds of "literature." I think my reading life is much more varied these days than it was when I was younger.

  17. I didn't like reading books as a kid. If the book have animals in tn it then that got me to read it.
    Have a great week.

  18. Hi Coletta,
    I am just letting everyone know that I follow on BBH, etc. that I am going to try something new (well, new for me) out. I know that there are other memes similar to this, but I just thought I would do it since Lia doesn’t blog any longer. So let’s see how it goes. I have joined a lot of other memes so maybe you could ‘pay it forward’ and join mine and pass me on if you would be so kind 😉

  19. I do like the Sheperd cover. I hope you are enjoying the book. Happy Reading!


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