
Tuesday, May 24, 2022

What's Up Wednesday ~ May 2022


Link up on the last Wednesday of every month with Sheaffer and Shay!


MAY 2022

What We're Eating:

We've been grilling a lot lately.  Mostly burgers, hot dogs, pork chops and chicken.  My Dad grilled THE BEST pork chops.  He's the grill master around here ;)

What I'm Reminiscing About:

This month was Mother's Day and I spent time reminiscing about my grandmother, aka Gram.  Even though it has will be 20 years this August since she passed away, this is still hard to write without tearing up.  I miss her so much!  Here is Gram with her beloved rose bush.  Wasn't she beautiful?

What I'm Loving:

I'm loving the fact that this is Laken's (youngest daughter) last week of school work!  Summer, HERE WE COME!

What We've Been Up To:

Nothing but schoolwork around here!  Laken was sick (Lactose Intolerant) for most of the school year and ended up being Cyber Schooled.  She got behind from all dr's appointments and just being sick in and of itself.  After we figured out the whole "Lactose" situation, she's been pulling double over-time to finish up her work on time.  She's worked so hard and I'm super proud of her.  But that means we haven't had much time to do anything else.  Come Friday, we're going to PARTY!

What I'm Dreading:

I go to my dr. on June 3rd for my annual check up.  Enough said...

What I'm Working On:

I'm working on a new granny square afghan that I'm calling Sunny Blue Hawaii 2 :)  You can read more about it and how it got it's name HERE.

What I'm Excited About:

Did I mention this is the last week of Laken's school?????   :) :) :)

What I'm Watching/Reading:

I haven't been watching much of anything lately but we are going to the movies to see the new Top Gun movie, Maverick, on Friday.  It will be the first I've been to the theater since before March 2020!

This month I've read the following books and I'm currently reading "Fourth and Long" by Liz Isaacson.

What I'm Listening To:

What I'm Doing This Weekend:

Going to see "Maverick" at the theater and possibly going to the local amusement park on Saturday.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:

~Sleeping in!
~No School!
~Church Camp!


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