
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Tea Time ~ 5/26/2022

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~The hubby got the cats a new toy :)  They LOVE it!  All night long I hear the little bells inside the balls jingling!

~My Mom and I went to a Ladies Tea hosted by a sister congregation about an hour from home.  It was nice to spend some time together and with other like-minded Christian women.  After the tea, we stopped at Eat-n-Park for dinner.  We haven't gone out, just the two of us, in YEARS!  We did get Laken some Smiley cookies to bring home to her :)

~While Mom and I were at the Ladies Tea, the hubby, Laken and my Dad went to see the new Dr. Strange movie.  (Not my cuppa tea!)  Afterwards, they went to Cracker Barrel for dinner.  Laken sent me some hilarious pictures of her Pap.  This is my favorite:

~I missed Church Sunday due to a stomach bug.  The hubby had it first and then passed it on to me!  Something I'd rather he hadn't shared!  Not a fun thing but I am feeling better now :)   I'm just hoping I was the end of the line for it in the family!

~Laken is DONE with 9th GRADE!!!!  It was a rough year of cyber schooling full medical tests and being sick which put her VERY behind by January.  After getting some relief by limiting Lactose and using Lactaid, she had a lot of work to catch up on.  I am so proud of the late nights, weekends and holidays that she worked on her schoolwork instead of having fun.  I am so glad that summer is here and I bet she is 10X as glad as I am!  Time to PARTY :)

How was your week?  What's new with you?



  1. What a fun time out for you. It's good to get together with like minded folks.

    Yay on school being out too. Some kids have had a tough time with all these lock-downs and being sick.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  2. I'm glad you and your Mum had a good time at tea! Funny, we just went to eat at Cracker Barrel too. Go Laken go, you're doing great. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Congratulations to Laken for catching up and finishing on time! Visiting from Thankful Thursday.

  4. Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed Memorial day weekend. ♥


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