
Monday, May 30, 2022

Monthly Wrap-Up ~ May 2022

The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight.


May 2022 Reviews:

I read 5 books in May.

Click on the cover to read the blurb and my review :)

Goodreads Challenge:

15/52 books.

Favorite Book of May 2022:

This is a hard one but I think I'll go with:

Book Review With the Most Views:

Where I've "Traveled":


My Weekly Bookishness:

This includes book hauls, teasers, and other great bookish fun :)

Other Posts:

A few of my favorite posts from the blog:

Coming Up in June 2022:

20 (or 10) Books of Summer is starting on June 1st!  Click HERE to read more!

"Fighting Words" a Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study is starting 5/31/2022 and running all summer long.  Click HERE to learn more!

The Kindred Readers Book Club reading selection for June 2022 is "The Book of Lost Names" by Kristin Harmel.  We'd love to have you come join along with the discussion!

Also linking up with:


  1. You read a nice variety of books in May! It has been years since I read Anne Frank. I have heard good things about The Book of Lost Names. Glad to hear you enjoyed it too. Have a good week!

  2. Great job! Anne Frank is a powerful read, it has stayed with me my whole life. Happy June!

  3. It's been a long time since I read Anne Frank, but I know how much it really stuck with me when I did. Hope you have a good June!

  4. A great May. Hope June is just as good. Here is mine:

  5. Great wrap up. You got a nice variety of books. Have a wonderful June.

  6. Looks like a good month of reading. I have never read all of Anne Frank; I really should.

    Lauren @


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