
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Book Review ~ Mischief, Mayhem, and Marriage by Rebecca Connolly


Title:  Mischief, Mayhem, and Marriage by Rebecca Connolly
Series:  Supposed Scandal
Pages:  248
Date Published:  November 29, 2021


One good scandal deserves another...

Lady Alexandrina Lawson has never minded her widowhood. After the disaster that was her first marriage, she found it rather enjoyable, despite the pity she received. What the public saw as devoted mourning to a respected man was, in fact, a complete disinterest in participating in anything Society could offer her ever again. When an invitation to a cousin's London event proves disastrous for Alexandrina, her reputation, and that of her child, her choice becomes simple: rescue or ruin.

Enter Taft Debenham, Earl of Harwood.

Taft could not have less interest in Lady Lawson or her cold manner, but neither could he stand by and let her suffer a forced marriage to a drunken idiot. Sacrificing himself on the altar of Society, thinking how his own reputation might benefit, he provides a rather clever solution: marry the woman himself, and claim outrage for the offenses against her. Over the protests of his bride, and those of his own sanity, Taft begins the greatest scheme he could ever imagine. Nothing surprises him more than beginning to discover that his wife has a heart beneath her icy exterior.

And that he would do almost anything to claim it.
My Thoughts:
My thoughts on this book are very ho-hum!

In fact I quit reading with 50 pages left to go!  I know I should have just finished it but I found myself putting off reading and that just is not a good sign.  That is the sign of a reading slump and I don't want that when I'm doing so well with my 1 book per week goal for 2022.

I'm going to count it a finish even though "technically" it was a DNF.  But I was so close!!!!

You may be asking why it was just a ho-hum book for me.

Well, the characters were just not very likable!  I thought the leading lady was just plain mean at times and the hero was a bit insipid.  There just wasn't much depth to either character.  At least that is how I felt.

I feel terrible when I have to write a not-so-favorable review.  Maybe it was just my mood as I'm a mood reader at heart.

I downloaded this book to my kindle through Kindle Unlimited.

Onto the next book!


  1. I wouldn't feel guilty about not finishing the book. We all have to do what we have to do.

    1. I just hate DNFing! Especially when I was so close to the finish!

  2. There are many books that I find just are not suited for me. It is okay not to finish one.

    1. I just hope it isn't an indicator of a reading slump to come...

  3. I agree it is hard to continue with a book when the characters are not likeable. And I also agree that it is hard to write an unfavorable review. But sometimes it must be done to express our true feelings.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  4. Sometimes we just meet a book at the wrong time. Occasionally I can see that I *would* have loved this book if I had read it the previous year, but suddenly I'm allergy to the trope, to love, to brown-headed heros, whatever. So I'll review it as "it's me, not you!"


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