
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tea Time ~ 2/24/2022

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~Last Friday my blog hit 1200 followers!  It had been dancing around the 1200 mark for a while.  Someone would follow then someone would unfollow...  Finally, I woke up Friday morning and the number actually hit 1200!!!  That might seem paltry to some of you but it is a milestone for me :)

~Laken has been wanting to make "Oreo Bombs" aka "Oreo Truffles" since Christmas.  Finally, for Valentine's Day, we got them made.  They are super easy to make, but the chocolate covering can get quite messy for us messy bakers :)  It must run in the family!

~Now that Valentine's Day is over, the puppies needed some St. Patty's bandanas.  I got a simple green fat quarter at the "Big W" and cut in from corner to corner.  And voila two bandanas for two Labradors.  I didn't get a picture of Lilah, but I couldn't resist adding this picture of Kona mid-yawn!  :)

~Thursday evening the hubby and I got our taxes done.  Not very exciting but I am glad to have that done and out of the way for another year...

~Laken, who just turned 15 years old, has decided that she wants a hippie van when she turns 16 and gets her driver's license!  The hubby found this puzzle and and told her that is as close as it is going to get!  She was NOT amused but put the puzzle together anyway.  Laken loves puzzles!

~Laken was exercising and left her yoga mat out.  Lilah decided that the yoga mat is much more comfortable than her expensive orthopedic dog bed!  If only we had known :)

How was your week?



  1. The oreo bombs sound really good and the lab looks great with the bandana! The old hippie vans are super fun to see but not something one really wants to drive these days.

    1. I think the Hippie Van would be more of a "statement piece"! lol.

  2. The Oreo Bombs sound pretty darn good and the pup bandana is very cute. Hey, a Hippy Van makes for quite the flashback! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. The Oreo Bombs are delicious! Thanks for hosting! I have some exciting news to share next week!!!

  3. Oh sweet doggie on the Yoga mat and Oreo Bombs sound delish ~ great post ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores
    (aka A Creative Harbor)

  4. Oh what a sweet post! Congrats on the 1200 followers! I love that hippie van, so cool and from my era. SMILE

    1. I actually have 1201 followers now! So exciting :) I'll be by to visit!

  5. Your Oreo bombs sound yummy and I'm glad to say we got our taxes done early for once, too. And I'm so glad!


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