
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/21/2022

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

The weather outside is:

It looks like it is going to be a great week to maybe get outside for a walk!

Did anyone else have a crazy snow squall Saturday?  I got the alert on my phone but didn't think anything of it.  Then the squall hit and we couldn't see out the windows!  Crazy weather!

On today's to-do list: 

I'll be spending the day doing my normal routines plus cleaning.  I've been trying to keep up with the housework, so it shouldn't be TOO bad.  I hope.

Happening this week:

Tuesday I have an appointment to get my Rogue inspected and the oil changed at our mechanic's.  The inspection runs out at the end of the month.

Wednesday the 7th Sweet Dreams quilt block pattern will be coming out!

Thursday morning I have a cleaning scheduled at the dentist.  Then in the afternoon, Laken has a follow-up appointment with her gastroenterologist.  It will be the first we've seen him since her scopes, so hopefully he'll have some insight into how to proceed with her treatment for abdominal migraines.

Friday is grocery day and "catch-up on housework before the weekend" day :)

Saturday is Family Day, which we don't really have anything planned as of today.  Maybe we'll have a Game Night...

Currently reading:

I'm getting ready to start reading "Flirting with My Enemy" by Laura Burton.

On the TV:

Gilded Age Episodes 3 & 4 -  HBO MAX -  I love period pieces!

Listening to:

This week for "Songs on Sunday" I featured "Weary Traveler" by Jordan St. Cyr.  I hope you'll check it out :) 

On the menu today:

Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Veggie and Fruit.  (We still have the turkey that my hubby got from work in the freezer and need to use it.)

In the Craft Basket:

This past week I worked on the "Sweet Dreams" sew along by Pat Sloan at .  I finished blocks 4, 5 and 6 and am caught up until the new block comes out on Wednesday morning!  whoohoo!

Picture from the Camera

Memory Verse

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Have a great Monday!



  1. I had a ring that had part of Jeremiah 29:11 on it. I'm not sure what happened to it!

    How is the Gilded Age? I was looking into it last night and it looked like something that I would be interested in!

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I'm enjoying the Gilded Age but keep in mind that it IS on HBO Max and therefore has some parts that can make a good girl blush :) Let me know if you watch it and what you think!

  2. We just cooked a turkey from our freezer on Friday! Seemed strange to be eating turkey in February but it was still good. Hope your turkey turns out great and that you have a wonderful week!

    1. We ended up pushing the turkey onto this coming week's menu. We haven't gotten it out of the freezer yet so all is well! lol

  3. Was nice to visit and be with you for a moment. Have a great week

    1. Awe!! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting!


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