
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Book Club For 2022????


I've been horrible about finishing books lately.

I start reading with gusto and then never come back to the book.  I have no motivation to finish and review the book.  I can't tell you how many times I've done this.

I was thinking a Book Club might be just the thing I need to find my reading mojo again.  I need to mix it up a bit I think.

This is where I need your help!

Do you belong to a Book Club I could join?

Do you know of any online Book Clubs that are good?

Would anyone be interested in partnering with me to start a Blogging Book Club?

  I would be willing to co-host, but I need to have a partner-in-crime (or two) to help me.  If you're interested you can email me at collettaskitchensink (at) yahoo (dot) com .

Any thoughts?  I'm open to all suggestions!


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I love reading your comments! Unfortunately, due to spammers, I now have to moderate comments.