
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ 12/2/2021


~Noodle Making!  My Mom and Laken have a tradition of making homemade noodles for Thanksgiving.  Laken is very set on keeping traditions and would have been very upset without her noodles :)

~My Mighty Hunter!  Saturday, Deer Season came in here in Pennsylvania.  The hubby finally had some time to go for a "walk" in the woods Monday and soon came home with his bounty, an 8 point buck.  I won't add any pictures in honor of those who have sensibilities regarding hunting and the like but I will say that the hubby was a bit pleased with himself :)

~A Sale!  Saturday evening I couldn't stand it any longer and HAD to get out of the house!  I went to Ollies to see if they had anything good (which they didn't).  Then I went right down the plaza to Joann Fabrics.  I wandered around feeling the fabric but what I ended up buying was some yarn for my next crochet project.  The best part is that it was 60% off!

~Our Christmas Tree!  Monday afternoon Kaylee and Shawn came over (along with Dahlia) and we decorated our little Christmas Tree.  It was bitter sweet because the ornaments that we've collected over the years for Kaylee went into a box to be taken to her house and put on her very first tree as a married woman.  I wonder how they'll keep Dahlia out of the tree???!! :)

~Laken's Ornament!  Speaking of the ornament tradition, we gave Laken her 2021 Christmas Ornament when we decorated the tree.  We got her a globe ornament!  It is a bit of a running family joke because Laken didn't think there were any countries on the back of the globe.  She thought it was all water for the longest time.  We were going to get her an actual globe for Christmas, but when we saw this ornament we knew we had to get it for her :)

~December Bible Reading!  I'm so excited that it is December!  I'm also excited that today I turned the page in my Read the Bible Through in a Year to December 1st!  My Aunt, Mom and I have been reading together and meeting to discuss what we've read mostly once a week.  Each milestone, we've celebrated.  Only 30 more days to go and we'll be starting a new reading plan :)

What has you thankful/smiling/exited this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. That was a fun post, lots of good things! The last time I went hunting was years ago in WV. Even though I had blaze orange on I got shot at twice. Nope, no more hunting in case 3rd time was the charm. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. I can remember noodle making when I was younger & I need to try it as an adult now
    Love your tree
    ALL THAT YARN - I love a big skein.

  3. I always admire noodle makers!
    Sounds as if you are off to a great start in preparing to celebrate Jesus's birthday!


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