
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Journal Entry ~ 4/2/20

A few sentences about each day...

March 25, 2020 - March 31, 2020

25/Wed ~ Our Preacher and Elders have decided to cancel Church Services for the next two weeks.  Crazy times!  Mom and I put together Communion Kits for the Church members to come pick up.  It felt good to be doing something productive.  Lately, I feel like I'm just passing the time until "normal" life starts again.

26/Thurs ~ It was such a gorgeous day!  First thing this morning I sat on my swing soaking in the sunshine.  I went for a solitary walk this morning and for another walk with Kaylee this evening.  It was so nice to spend time outside, but I think it is supposed to rain again tomorrow :{

27/Fri ~ This evening was Family Game Night.  We play "Apples to Apples" for the first time ever.  It was interesting but I don't know if it will be favorite.  Then we played "Operation", a game we haven't played since the girls were little!  I was shocked that the batteries were still good :)

28/Sat ~ Another quiet day at home...I got some laundry done and we worked on another puzzle.  I'm getting ready to start a new book, "A Daring Venture" by Elizabeth Camden, a favorite author!

29/Sun ~ Today was a weird day.  It was strange not going to Church.  Instead, we had Church at home but I missed seeing all my Church family.  The National "Guidelines" have been extended to April 30th!

30/Mon ~ I'm feeling kind of bummed this evening even though it was a pretty good day.  I went grocery shopping so it will probably be my only time "out" this week.  I really need to get into a routine.  I need some sense of normalcy in my life instead of my emotions being all over the place.

31/Tues ~ Laken and I started our last puzzle today.  Kaylee had her online classes but to the one instructor is using Zoom and it makes Kaylee's laptop flip out.  She has to wait and then watch the video after the class is over.  Just one more month and she'll be done for the semester.  One more month!

Until next week,


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about needing some type of schedule. I find that I am just going through each day eating more and finding something to occupy my time. I did clean our camper today as I have thought that I might sleep in it for a few nights somewhere and hopefully, it will make things seem alright.


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