
Friday, April 3, 2020

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 4/3/20

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

(I'm still reading this book but I'll give you new lines!)

First Lines

Jersey City, New Jersey
June 1908

Dr. Rosalind Werner adjusted a dial on the microscope, and the tiny organisms beneath the glass slide zoomed into sharp clarity.  Salmonella enterica, the bacteria that cause typhoid, was surprisingly pretty, its midnight-blue shade clustered into graceful, blooming colonies.  Her mission in life was to figure out a way to kill it.

 Page 56

He hauled her into his arms and kissed her as though his life depended on it.

 Q.  Do you have more photos of books you saw in a bookstore or elsewhere or family photos on your phone? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

 A.  This is an easy question this week.  Family photos wins out, hands down!  I don't really take photos of books when I'm out.  This year is a "Read from my TBR Shelf" for me so I'm trying to avoid the bookstores, etc.


Also linking up to:


  1. My book this week is Dead End by Nancy Mehl
    Chief of Police Everett Sawyer stood over the body they’d just dug up in the old rail yard north of the city.

    I read this series by Elizabeth Camden. It was so interesting!

  2. Happy Friday! πŸ™‚
    I'm currently reading Dead End by Nancy Mehl. I'm halfway through and I'm loving it so much. I'm on chapter 23, so I'll share from there:
    "Before Noah and Kaely left the restaurant, Noah called Chief Sawyer and told him about the note given to Kenny."
    Hope you have a great weekend filled with awesome reading time. 😊❤πŸ“–

  3. Happy Friday!

    I really enjoyed both of the lines you shared this week, and I' definitely interested in reading this one in the future.

    My first line this week is from Melody Carlson's The Happy Camper:

    "Dillon Michaels was fed up-but it wasn't with dinner."

    Hope you have a great weekend :)

  4. Happy Friday! My first line is from "A Latte Difficulty" by Angela Ruth Strong:

    "Black is a good color for coffee, not bridesmaid dresses."

  5. Hum, the two quotes sound like very different stories. I'd be interested to find out how they go together.

    As for the Blog Hop question, I started taking photographs of covers to share on Instagram, so I probably have more than I should. Might need to do some purging.

  6. I like those quotes, and the cover is pretty. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I used to love looking at things under microscopes. It is a fascinating topic due to the current event with our virus today. My Friday quotes and a review

  8. Beautiful cover! Great read with what's going on... one virus to another. Happy weekend! Stay safe!

  9. I like the quotes. Great pick this week!

  10. Very fitting with the virus - I would love to read this. The cover is awesome too!

    Here is my Friday post. Stay safe, Collettakay!

  11. Happy Friday! Today I'm sharing the first lines from The Piper's Pursuit by Melanie Dickerson: "Did Katerina dare to stay out hunting past dark?"

  12. Happy Friday!
    Today on my blog I shared the first line from Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese but I just started reading The Joy of Falling by Lindsay Harrel so I'll share the first line from chapter 3 here: "Few places reminded her more of Brent than the Saturday-morning farmers market." Hope you have a great weekend with some quality reading time :)

  13. I'm always interested in that time period. Happy reading!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  14. Tackling the TBR pile is a good goal to have. I think I've got a handle on my book-buying... maybe... I've got more photos of family and friends on my phone than books. ;-)
    I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, stay safe and healthy.
    Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x


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