
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 4/1/20

Looking out my window:

It isn't raining today but I can tell it must have rained during the night because my deck chairs have puddles on them.  I need to clean the little drain holes out...  It is chilly though.  It was only 38F when I got up this morning.  I really need some 70F days right now.

I am thinking:

That I'm feeling a little "blah" today.  We now have 2 cases of the Coronavirus in our county so it has come closer.  I'm just really feeling gloomy today :(

I am thankful:

I am thankful that my family is warm, safe and healthy and pray that it stays so.

One of my favorite things:

One of my favorite things is a scented candle.  I just started burning a new one yesterday called "Velvet Sunset" and it smells yummy :)

I am creating:

I'm still working on granny squares with the colors below.  The white and gray will be used as borders and edging.  I have almost 3 rows completed.

I am wearing:

I am wearing blue comfy pants and a burgundy t-shirt.  I don't match at all but really "who cares" at this point?

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

I've started reading "A Daring Venture" by Elizabeth Camden, a favorite author.  I'm not very far into it yet but so far I'm enjoying it.

I am hoping:

I am hoping that I can pull myself out of this funk I feel myself getting in.  Prayers are appreciated!

I am learning:

I am learning that my girls are still late sleepers.  When they were little, I never had to worry about them getting me up at the crack of dawn.  They are like me and like to sleep :)

In my kitchen:

Tomorrow we're making a turkey!  We still have one in the freezer that the hubby got from work for Christmas.  Tomorrow is the day that we're finally making it (if we can remember to get it out to thaw!).

Shared Quote:

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

Galatians 5:22-23

A moment from my day:

Friday evening we had a Family Game Night complete with twizzlers and M&M's.  We played a new to us game, "Apples to Apples".

Have a Blessed Day!



  1. Apples to Apples is a fun game. They have a christian version and we used to play that in our kids' Sunday School class when the lesson was finished.

  2. I am really liking reading others and their blogs and to know, we are not the only ones having game nights, grin.

    Keeping in prayer...I so can relate, actually mine is more anger over this virus/stay at home orders than depression...just keeping it real.


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