
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Weekly Weigh In ~ 12/4/19

I had a small gain this week.

I think it was a combination of Thanksgiving, eating out on Black Friday and slacking on tracking.

Thanksgiving was great.  I didn't do too badly but I did get seconds when I really wouldn't have needed to.

Black Friday the hubby and I have a tradition of going shopping and then getting breakfast.  We went to Denny's and I had a Moon Over My Hammy!  So good but I imagine chock full of points and the it being the day before weigh in couldn't have helped.

As for slacking on tracking, I didn't track Thursday or Friday.

All that being said, I only gained 0.8 lbs last week.  I was still bummed because it threw me back up into the 270's.  Again!

However, I'm still really close to the 25 lbs charm and I want to get it before Christmas.  I really, really want to get it before Christmas!

So what have I been doing this week?  I've been tracking.  Everything.  And I've been walking either in the stores or on my treadmill.  I'd really love a Fitbit for Christmas so I can count my steps.

And...I'm back to participating in the Facebook Group "WW Challenge Squad" 's 3% Challenge for December.  I'm hoping it will help keep me motivated during this month of the usual splurgings.  My 3% goal is to lose 8.2 lbs in December.  Totally doable.  I hope!


On to the weigh in:

Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 11/23/19 ~ 269.6 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 11/30/19 ~ 270.4 lbs

This Week's Total:  +0.8  lbs

Grand Total: -20.4 lbs

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 


P.S.  I'm putting together Pen Pals for 2020.  If you are interested, please check out THIS post :)


  1. I hate that you gained again, but you enjoyed a tradition with your husband and that is what is important. I weigh 140 lbs and only weighed about 98 lbs when we were married. My husband would like me to lose some weight but I like to eat and I am middle aged so I truly don't care as long as I feel good.

  2. I am more than impressed! You are doing great so just keep tracking. You'll get there. I know you will.


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