
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/5/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Shopping and Wrapping!  Did you go Black Friday Shopping?  We did, the hubby and I.  We went out Thursday night, Friday and Saturday!  I am shopped out!  Thankfully, we are done with all our Christmas shopping except for my brother.  I just don't know what to get him this year.  How about you?  Are you done with your Christmas Shopping or just getting started?  The hubby and I even started wrapping presents before he went to work Wednesday afternoon!  I feel calm and relaxed so far this Christmas Season :)

~Christmas Music!  I have been informed by the hubby and my girls that it is now appropriate to listen to Christmas Music!  I was surprised that there wasn't much Christmas Music being played over the weekend in the stores.  It just wasn't the same to be Christmas Shopping without Christmas Music!  What is your favorite Christmas Song?  :)

~We Rearranged the Family Room!  After being on my to-do list for weeks, we finally decluttered and rearranged the Family Room!  It flows so much better now but we have to get rid of the corner couch that goes to our sectional.  We just don't have enough room and don't really use it anyway.  The room has a much more "Home Theater" vibe to it now :)

~Decorating the Church!  Sunday evening during Youth Group hour, the Youth Group decorated the Church Building for Christmas.  I'm a Youth Group "helper" so I got to play along.  It was a bit of a struggle getting the kids interested at first but once they got going they got into it and took off with the bins of decorations.  It looks very nice and tasteful.  Just the right amount of decorations :)

~Skipbo!  You can see in the picture above of the Family Room that we now have room for a Game Table!  Kona's bed resides under it but when we want to play games all we have to do is slide the table over and put out some folding chairs from behind the couch.  We made use of it to play Skipbo! Out of 3 games, I won 2!  Laken won the 3rd game!  So, tell me:  What is your favorite Board/Card/Family game? :)

What made you smile this week? 



  1. I love Christmas music and have been listening to it on and off since November 1st. Two of my favorite Christmas carols are Away in the Manger and Silent Night. White Christmas and Silver Bells are two family Christmas songs.

    I like your family room, it just looks like such a great place to watch TV and play games. My favorite board game is Scrabble.

  2. How have I never played Skipbo??????


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