
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/19/19

Here are some things that made me smile this week:
~Organization!  I decided not to wait until January to start getting organized.  So far I've organized my budget for 2020, my paid bills cabinet and cleaned out my desk drawers.  I can't believe how long it had been since cleaning out my desk.  The drawers were so jammed packed that I couldn't even get them all the way open!  I found things that I forget I had.  It is now nicely organized with a proper place for everything :)

~Snickerdoodles!  Kaylee (daughter #1) requested Snickerdoodles this year for Christmas.  First, it took me forever to find Cream of Tartar in the market.  Second, they turned out flatter than a pancake!  They tasted wonderful though :)

~Christmas Gift Exchange!  I participated in a Christmas Gift Exchange hosted by Carol at Slaters' Funny Farm.  I receive a lovely package from Patti at This Beautiful Life.  You can go see what I received on my post from Tuesday :)

~Mount TBR Challenge!   I don't usually participate in many reading challenges because sometimes my reading can be sporadic.  However, I have a whole bookshelf of books TBR (to be read) and thought this would be a simple Challenge to finish.  Here's hoping :)

~Luke!  I finished reading the Book of Luke!  My goal was to read once chapter of Luke a day for the month of December until Christmas Day.  Some days I read more than one chapter and then on Tuesday I finished the 24th chapter.  I definitely think this could become a tradition for December!  What book of the Bible do you think I should read next?   :)

What made you smile this week? 


1 comment:

  1. Look at you over achieving your Luke reading :)
    Good for you for even attempting organization before Christmas!! That's impressive


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