
Friday, December 20, 2019

First Lines Friday, 56 and BBH ~ 12/20/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

First Lines

Willow, Alaska
March 8, 1:36 A.M.
Frank woke to a low rumble churning in Diesel's throat.
 Page 56

 "The truth."
Her heart plummeted.  "How could you?"

 Q.  What is your favorite Christmas themed fiction or nonfiction book? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
 A.  I don't really have a favorite but I guess the ones that come to mind are Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" and Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women".  I used to read tons of Christmas themed fiction during every December.  This year I haven't read any as I don't have any on my TBR shelf.  Maybe I should remedy that with a trip to the bookstore!


P.S.  I'm hosting a sign up for Pen Pals for 2020.  Click HERE for more information!

Also linking up to:


  1. Oh I love trips to the bookstore! I am sure that the Sabotaged book is going to be a good one. I have not done much reading either this year in December.

  2. Looks and sounds like a suspenseful read! Merry christmas to you and yours!

  3. Today, I'm sharing from Love You, Truly by Susan L. Tuttle: It's such a good book!!! Currently, I'm just starting Isaiah's Legacy by Mesu Andrews, so I'll post a line from there:

    "I hated weeding the garden alone, but I'd rather Abba copy his scrolls inside than bear our neighbor's cutting remarks."

    Hope you have a great weekend and a blessed Christmas! 😊❤📖

  4. Looks like a lot of winter-themed books this week. Hmmm Wonder why? Ha. Happy Holidays. My Friday quotes from WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH

  5. OOOOh What has he done!? Great teaser.

    Here's my Friday Post. Hope you have a happy Christmas!

  6. Happy Friday! Today, I'm sharing the first line from Synapse by Steven James: "You do not hear your baby cry."


  7. My first line is from Seconds to Live by Susan Sleeman:
    One Mistake. That was all it took to put Dustee’s life on the line-death right on her heels.

    Merry Christmas!

    The Dani Pettrey series are sooooo good!


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