
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

10 Goals for 2020!

Can you believe that a new decade is starting?  Isn't that exciting?!?  I absolutely adore starting a New Year!

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my goals for 2020. What do I want to do?  What do I want to accomplish?  What do I want to achieve?  What are my plans?

So, I put together a list of 10 goals for 2020.  Some are big and some are small.  Some will be super hard and others will be easy.  Some are new and some I already do and want to continue.  Without further ado, here are my goals for 2020 in no particular order:

1.  Read 26 Books.  In the past I always set my reading goal for 52 books.  I don't know the last time I actually hit that goal.  So, I decided to set a more realistic goal of 26 books this coming year.  I'll be reading books from my current TBR (to be read) shelf and participating in the Goodreads Challenge and the Mount TBR Challenge.

2.  Lose 52 lbs.  I feel like losing weight is on my list every year but this year I'm going to be more realistic with this goal also.  If I can just lose an average of 1 lb. a week, by this time next year I'll have lost over 75 lbs total.

3.  Exercise 5 Days Per Week For 30 Minutes.  Setting my goal for 5 days a week may be setting my goal a bit high, but I want to be specific in my goal and create a weekday habit of walking for at least 30 minutes a day.  I'm going to be writing "Exercise" on my daily planner just like any other task I want to accomplish.  I'm hopeful that I can accomplish this goal!

4.  Daily Bible Study Time.  Having a daily Bible Study time is something I currently do and want to continue and be even more consistent with.  My daily goal is to read at least 1-3 chapters of the Bible and also stay current with my Ladies Bible Study lesson for the week.  I'm not going to try to do a "Bible in a Year" in 2020 as I find it very difficult to stay on plan and achieve.  I then feel guilty so I want to set my goal as something I can maintain on a daily basis.  My goal is to be in the Word daily but not feel pressured.

5.  Grow My Hair Out.  I've been growing my hair for about 6-7 months now and it is finally almost chin length.  (I had a pretty short pixie cut.)  I want to continue growing it out to be at least between my chin and my shoulders.  After I get it that long, I can decide if I want to continue growing it out or keep it shoulder length.

6.  Continue MyWW.  I've been on the MyWW (Weight Watchers) program for about 5 months now.  This isn't my first time on WW.  In the past, I've given up.  My goal for 2020 is to continue on the program the entire year.  I want to work the program to the fullest with tracking my SmartPoints and getting my weekly FitPoint goal.  I'm already committed until March because of my sign-on package but I want to stay motivated and committed throughout the entire year.

7.  Be a Consistent Pen Pal.  This goal should be simple but life gets in the way.  My plan is to NOT put a recently received letter aside to write back later but to write back to my Pen Pal right away.  I love all things stationary, so I think having some new, cute stationary will help keep me inspired!

8.  Stay on Budget.  I have our 2020 Budget Binder all set up and ready to go!  Now comes the hard part.  2020 is going to be a year of paying off debt and getting ahead in our savings.

9.  Be Organized.  I've recently been on an organizing kick.  I've been organizing our bills and papers, my desk and will soon be working on getting our bedroom more organized.  My 2020 goal is to keep it that way!

10.  Blog Daily.  This is something I currently try to do and want to continue.  I have a pretty good schedule set up for myself.  I've been blogging for 10 years (with a few breaks here and there) and have considered giving it up but I enjoy it too much.  Blogging is a wonderful outlet for creativity.  I love blogging about books I've read and my crochet creations and things I'm thankful for.  I hope others enjoy stopping by my blog as much as I enjoy writing the posts.

Well, that is it for now.  I'm sure there will be other things I think of and want to do but 10 isgoals more than plenty to start with.

I'd LOVE to know what your goals are for 2020.  Let me know in the comments!



  1. Hello again Colletta. I love your goals for 2020! I have some that are very similar so seems we have some things in common. I will look forward to following your blog this year!

    1. I look forward to following your blog as well!


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