
Monday, December 9, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/9/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I'm putting together a Pen Pal sign up for 2020.  I'd love for you to join in the fun!  Click HERE for more information.


I've been working on my 2020 Goals and Budget.  I think I'm going to use some free printables I've found to make myself a budget binder.  How do you keep track of your finances? 
The weather outside is::::

Dreary.  Just plain dreary.  I heard that we're supposed to get some snow this week.  Maybe that will get me into a more festive mood??? 

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Eggs, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

A newly arranged family room!  Yay!
Christmas Presents are wrapped!  Yay!
Our little, mini Christmas Tree is up in the Family Room!

On today's to do list::::

My usual Monday of menu planning and grocery list making.  I also want to get the pillows made that were on my to-do list for last week.
Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I'm still reading in Luke.  Is anyone doing the "Luke Challenge" for December?  If you're not familiar with this, it is reading one chapter of Luke each day of December to read the entire account of Jesus by Christmas.  I know a few people that are doing this with their kids/grandkids.  What a great idea!  This week's Bad Girl of the Bible is going to be the "Woman at the Well".  I haven't done the lesson yet but will be working on it this week.

WW:  I had another gain and decided to change my plan option back to Blue.  I'll be writing more about this on Wednesday.

Exercise:  I've had some major Sciatica pain so I haven't been doing much concentrated exercise :(

Housework:  Family Room rearranged.  Check!  Christmas Tree up.  Check!  Christmas Cards written.  Check!  Laundry put away.  I don't want to talk about it!  hehe 

Doug:  We made it through a week of the hubby working second shift.  I'm excited that he is on vacation this week.  He then works one week of third shift and then is off until the New Year!  We don't have any major plans other than family time and maybe going to the movies.  The hubby is planning on hunting too.

Kaylee:  Kaylee is DONE with her very first semester of College!  She is so relieved to be done and on break.  She did very well and I'm so proud of her :)

Laken:  Laken is a bit jealous that she has school while the rest of us are at home this week.  Her Christmas Band Concert is Thursday evening so she is excited for that.  We had to go shopping to get her proper Concert attire:  black dress pants and white button up shirt.

Currently reading::::
I finished "Made Well, and posted the review!
I also finished reading "Generous Love" by Becky Kopitske.  The review will be published tomorrow.
Currently I'm reading "12 Ways to Experience More With Your Husband".  I'm just getting started so I'll let you know later what I think.
 On the TV::::

Steeler Football!

Catching up on ALL the shows


The Sound of Music

Listening to:
Another of my favorite Christmas Songs!

On the menu last week::::
Monday -  Pork Chops, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday -  Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Wednesday -  Chinese, Rice
Thursday  - Steak, Baked Potatoes
Friday -  Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes
Saturday -  Bacon, Pancakes, Eggs
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
My Winter 2020 Project #1 is going to be "Linda's Prayer Blanket".  I wrote a post about it on Saturday :)
Picture From the Camera

New arrangement of the Family Room!
 "God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control."
2 Timothy 1:7 NCV

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I get past Family Christmas this weekend, I will be working on plans for 2020, too. I do our budget and keep track of finances here on Excel. Have a lovely week ahead!


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