
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Book Review ~ Generous Love by Becky Kopitzke


Title:  Generous Love by Becky Kopitzke
Series:  N/A
Pages:  224
Date Published:  April 3, 2018
Publisher:  Bethany House

If asked, most of us want to make a difference, to live and love generously. But we get caught in the crazy rush of household routines, work demands, cranky attitudes, difficult people, exhaustion, worry, and pride, and once again we fail to love the people around us at all--let alone well. We too easily default to focusing more on self than on others, on receiving more than giving, in ways we don't even recognize. We dream of reaching out. We just . . . forget. Or don't have the energy.

Using relatable stories, discussion questions, and careful application of God's Word, author and speaker Becky Kopitzke gives you the inspiration and practical tips and ideas you need to see the opportunities around you, to reach out, to live generously, and to love others bravely and selflessly. To bless and be blessed is to actualize the joy of Christ--and to propel love forward.  

My Thoughts:
This is my second read from Becky Kopitzke, the first being The SuperMom Myth which I loved!  When I saw Generous Love on sale at I snatched it up.  Well, added it to my cart :)
The subtitle is:  "Discover the Joy of Loving Others First" and that is exactly what the author shared in this book that was well written and chock full of Scripture.
Becky goes over what a blessing is, a blessing toolbox and the Four P's of Blessing:
1.  Presence
2.  Possessions
3.  Perspective
4. Prayer
She even talked about what do to when others are hard to bless and poses the question:  "Are YOU hard to bless?"
This book reminded me of a saying my Grandmother used to always say, "You will receive a blessing!"  It was her way of saying "thank you" when doing a kind act for someone else.  Such a sweet memory and a saying that we still teach OUR kids today :)
I really enjoy this author's voice and am definitely going to be looking for more read by her.
Please see my header for the "Way of Salvation!"

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