
Monday, December 2, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/2/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I'm putting together a Pen Pal sign up for 2020.  I'd love for you to join in the fun!  Click HERE for more information.


Happy December, Everyone!  Does anyone else get super nerdy excited about turning the page on the calendar?  In fact, I already have my 2020 wall calendar bought and waiting to be hung on the wall. 
The weather outside is::::

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  At least here in PA it is :) 

On my breakfast plate:

English Muffin, Vanilla Chai Tea

As I look around the house::::

I see Christmas gifts waiting to be wrapped.
I see a Family Room waiting to be arranged.
I see my family watching TV together on the couch :)

On today's to do list::::

I need to create a menu and grocery list for this week and sweep the floor.  I also need to exercise and it is my turn to make supper.  AND...I want to start writing out my Christmas Cards and work on a gift that needs sewn.
Happening this week::::
Devotions:  I'm still reading in Luke.  Our Ladies Bible Study was cancelled yesterday morning due to the ice.  I had already done my Bad Girls of the Bible lesson for the week and it was Lot's Wife.  We should all know what happened to her!  Takeaway:  Obedience is for our own good...AND keep your eyes on where they need to be:  ahead; not behind.

WW:  My Workshop was about overcoming a set back and I really needed that lesson.  I've been losing and gaining the same 3ish pounds for about a month.  It is time to make some real progress before the new year!

Exercise:  I met my Fit Point goal again :)  Oh, Santa!  I'd really like a Fitbit for Christmas!

Housework: I sat down with my agenda and mapped out December so that I won't get too stressed with all the activities.  I'm the kind of person who needs a lot of normalcy along with celebrations. 

Doug:  This week the hubby is on 2nd shift but doesn't go in until Tuesday afternoon at 3pm.  He hasn't had to work 2nd shift in years!  It will be hard on the girls not seeing him all week as they will be in school when he is home.  Gotta do what ya gotta do...
Kaylee:  This is Kaylee's last week of the Fall Semester.  She's already done with a lot of her classes but there are still one or two that she still has to go in for.  Today it is supposed to snow and she doesn't have much experience driving in the snow at all.  We'll have her take the Subaru which is All Wheel Drive and it isn't supposed to be much of an accumulation.  She has to learn to drive in inclement whether sometime, but it makes me super nervous!

Laken:  Laken is still off school today for the holiday but goes back tomorrow.  She accidently dropped a full bottle of shampoo on her tow in the shower, so she's hobbling around.  I don't know if she broke her toe or not but you'd think she broke her whole leg!  She can be very dramatic.

Currently reading::::
I finished "Keep It Shut".  You can read my review HERE.

I also finished "Made Well".  Come back tomorrow for the review!
I'm currently reading "Generous Love" by Becky Kopitske.
 On the TV::::

Steeler Football!

Home & Family
All the NCIS's
All Rise
Bluff City Law
New Amsterdam


Spiderman Far From Home

Listening to:
My favorite Christmas Song.  Well, one of them!

On the menu last week::::
Monday -  Chicken, Cheesy Potatoes
Tuesday -  Out
Wednesday -  Fish, fries
Thursday  - Thanksgiving!
Friday -  Leftovers!
Saturday -  Pizza
Sunday - Potluck at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::
I finished Laken's Ombre Afghan!  You can read more about my Finish Off HERE :)  Now to decide on my next project...
Picture From the Camera

 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death."
Romans 8:1-2 NIV


  1. Yes! I, too, get super nerdy about turning calendar pages! And, yes, I, too, like to have my months mapped out so I can work in some down time. It doesn't always happen, but that is my goal when planning. Broken...even bruised...toes are very painful. Am praying that your Laken heals quickly. Your menus look great and what a beautiful afghan! Have a lovely and blessed week ahead! Until next time...

  2. We have a puppies calendar which making turning to a new month fun. I'm not a big fan of the holiday season which seems to me to have an unnecessary amount of stress built in. I'm going quiet and low-key this year. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. I enjoyed my visit this morning.. Time is rushing oast and my december is filling up.. I am getting a bit frantic already!!! Have and gret week!

  4. We like to have a lot of normalcy with our holidays as well. Love turning the pages of the calendar to the new month. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. It's cold here but no snow, yet :)

  6. Lovely throw. Haha funny one about the drama queen ;) Yes it is worrisome when our kids drive in bad weather. Need to get myself a new calender too.
    have a great week

  7. Nope, not nerdy at all! My 2020 calendar is already up, behind my 2019 one. I also need to start wrapping Christmas gifts. Congrats on your fitness goal. I have been averaging around 5kms a day on the treadmill, for nearly a month now, so am keen to keep it up. I asked Santa for new sneakers, and a fitbit band lol. Have a great week!

  8. Your afghan turned out BEAUTIFUL! Great picture. I love planning for normalcy - really makes it so you can enjoy the holidays. I hope you have a WONDERFUL week!

  9. Mmmm cheesy potatoes!! That afghan is so pretty !! Have a great week!


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