
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Books from the Backlog ~ 8/15/19

Books from the Backlog hosted by Carole's Rand Life in Books is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.
This week's neglected book is:
Series: Belmon Mansion
Publication Date:    March 25, 2014  
Publisher: Bethany House

 Plain, practical Eleanor Braddock knows she will never marry, but with a dying soldier's last whisper, she believes her life can still have meaning and determines to find his widow. Impoverished and struggling to care for her ailing father, Eleanor arrives at Belmont Mansion, home of her aunt, Adelicia Acklen, the richest woman in America--and possibly the most demanding, as well. Adelicia insists on finding her niece a husband, but a simple act of kindness leads Eleanor down a far different path--building a home for destitute widows and fatherless children from the Civil War. While Eleanor knows her own heart, she also knows her aunt will never approve of this endeavor.

Archduke Marcus Gottfried has come to Nashville from Austria in search of a life he determines, instead of one determined for him. Hiding his royal heritage, Marcus longs to combine his passion for nature with his expertise in architecture, but his plans to incorporate natural beauty into the design of the widows' and children's home run contrary to Eleanor's wishes/ AS work on the home draws them closer together, Marcus and Eleanor find common ground--and a love neither of them expects. But Marcus is not the man Adelicia has chosen for Eleanor, and even if he were, someone who knows his secrets is about to reveal them all.
Why did I add A Beauty So Rare to my bookshelf:
Tamera Alexander is one of my absolute favorite authors.  Everything she writes, I love!  I've read the first book of this series and loved it.  I might dig into this one soon :)
What are your thoughts? Have you read this book?  Would you recommend it to others?



  1. I have heard great things about Tamera Alexander. I hope you love this one when you get to it! Enjoy your day!

  2. pretty cover. tamera is a new to me author. thanks for the introduction
    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. I love this idea of reading those books that are collecting dust.
    Anywho, I have never read a book by Tamera Alexander. I'll be waiting for your review once you get to it. :)

  4. Hope it lives up to the first book for you. It does look good. I've not read her books before, but want to eventually.

  5. That's a lovely cover and the blurb is appealing. I can see why you added it. I hope you enjoy it when you read it.

  6. I have not read this author yet but her name is very familiar to me for some reason. This does sound really good. I hope you get the chance to read it soon and enjoy it!


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