
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Weekly Weigh In ~ Week 3 ~ WW Freestyle

My goal for August is to lose 3% of my starting weight which is 8.8 lbs.  As you'll see below, I've already met that goal.  Now my goal is to keep on keeping on to see just how much I can lose in August!

When I input my new weight into the WW App, they took my daily points down to 31 total.  That is only a difference of 2 smart points per day so I think I should be able to handle it pretty well this week.  I do worry that the more I lose, the less daily points I'll get.  I'll just have to adjust as I go.

My Fit Point goal is still set to 52 points.  I once again met my goal with a total of 53 Fit Points for the week.  I've been doing a mixture of Leslie Sansone's Walking DVD's, The Firm Cardio Dance and walking outside.  I get the most bang for my buck with the Cardio Dance but I'm still learning the moves.  I'm glad no one with watching when I exercise to it! 

On to the weigh in:

Starting Weight ~ 7/27/19 ~ 290.8 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 8/3/19 ~ 285.6 lbs

This Week's Weight ~ 8/10/19 ~ 281.2 lbs

This Week's Total:  -4.4 lbs

Grand Total: -9.6 lbs

I'll be weighing in on Saturdays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends! 



  1. That is awesome that you already met your monthly goal!! My husband complains that his points keep getting lowered too but I always assure him it's a good thing.

    1. Thanks for commenting and following my journey. It means a lot to me :)

  2. I just saw the walking dvd's on Pinterest. I just had back surgery and am just now allowed to start walking for exercise. I was thinking about getting these. Do you like them? Do you get a good workout with them?

    1. Yes, I enjoy the DVD's and have a few for variety's sake. I get a wonderful workout with them. They definitely work up a sweat but you can take it at your own pace to start out. Let me know if you try them out! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so glad you're still doing this! I'm going to start fresh this week! Thank you for being committed! And way to go!!! You're doing AWESOME!

  5. Thank you so much! Are you going to be posting your progress?


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