
Thursday, August 15, 2019

First Lines Friday and 56 ~ 8/16/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

I'm still reading " A Lady Unrivaled" so I'll give you the first line from the page I'm on and a different line from page 56.

First Lines

Paris, France
Kira Belova tucked her hand into the crook of Andrei's elbow, made sure her prettiest smile was in place, and prayed her knee didn't give out.

 Page 56
Cayton went to work on the little fingers nearest him.  "I daresay she is simply intrigued by the shade, my lady.  I don't know that she's ever seen red hair before."


P.S. I hope you come join in the Fall Into Reading Challenge!

Also linking up to:


  1. I often can't finish a book in a week either. Good for you for sticking to it. My Friday Quotes

  2. A Lady Unrivaled looks interesting. I like the beginning and the 56.

  3. I loved this series! It's on my all time favorites shelf!

  4. From the excerpt you shared, she is either nervous or upset about something. I can't help but wonder what it is. I hope you are enjoying The Lady Unrivaled! Have a great weekend.

  5. LOVE the first line! She sounds like an intriguing character who wants to maintain a certain image, regardless of pain in her knee!
    My post features a mystery: Bless Me Father For I Have Sinned.

  6. The first line sets up a novel that defies expectations. Hope it lives up to the promise for you.

  7. Sounds good and it has a lovely cover. This week I am spotlighting Stolen Things by R. H. Herron from my review stack. Happy reading!

  8. Such a lovely cover. And the BB and 56 were both delightful. I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine.

  9. Happy Friday! My first line is from “The Redemption Road” by Christa MacDonald:

    “The jingle of sleigh bells rang out as the door to the shop swung open.”

  10. Roseanna's books always have such stunning cover art!! <3
    Today on my blog I shared the first line from My Dearest Dietrich by Amanda Barratt. I just finished A Glitter of Gold by Liz Johnson but I'm about to start The Healing Jar by Wanda Brunstetter so I'll share that first line here: "Tears sprang to Lenore Lapp’s eyes as she stood with the others who had come to witness this special English wedding." Happy reading!

  11. What an interesting book! Happy Friday!

  12. I hope she’s not in too much pain! It sounds like a good read. :)

    I’m sharing on my blog the first line from When Mountains Sing by Stacy Monson.

    The clash of cologne, sweat, and ego assaulted her senses as it did every weekday morning.

  13. It's been awhile since I read that book, but I remember it being good! Today I'm sharing the first lines from The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey: "Fire ripped through Finn's right shoulder, ricocheting down his arm." Have a great weekend!

  14. Happy Saturday!

    I'm currently reading Trial by Patience by Tabitha Bouldin.

    "Sully galloped down the trail."

    Hope you have a great weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚❤๐Ÿ“š

  15. I've looked up this book and it's very interesting! Adding it to my list. Thanks for introducing it to me.


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