
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thankful Thursday ~ 6/27/19

~Kaylee's Party was a success!  I tried not to stress myself out getting ready for Kaylee's 18th Birthday Party.  I made list upon list and managed to keep it organized.  I worried for nothing, because it went off without a hitch!  We had a great afternoon hanging out with family and friends :)

~Church Camp was a success!  Again, a lot of preparation went into the behind the scenes set up of our Church Camp Meeting.  I helped with baking pies, cooking meals and the concession stand.  Others had their own jobs to complete.  We all came together and worked hard so that the campers could have a great time  :)

~Laken has decided to hang up her pompoms! She really wants to play Jr. High Volleyball this Fall and doing v-ball and cheerleading would just be too much along with her school work.  I'm already going to be busy running her back and forth to v-ball practices and games and I don't think I could keep up with cheerleading as well.  Quality over quantity, they say :)

~Kaylee's College Orientation! Monday Kaylee had a orientation for the students that have been admitted to her college.  She will be studying Business Management and classes start on August 19th.  I think it is getting real for her now and she's getting excited for the next chapter of her life!  I'm trying to play it cool :)

~Hubby's Vacation!  I'm excited that the Hubby is on vacation starting Friday morning!  We have some good quality family time planned.  Some of the activities are fishing, camping, movies and baseball games.  I can't wait  :)
What are you thankful for today?


P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!


  1. It's nice to have some vacation time with a holiday! Glad the party was a success and church you can just have FUN for the rest of the summer! I hope so anyway! Hugs!

  2. Recently did the college orientation day with my daughter. Whew, it was a long day of "stuff". But, it is done and off she goes in August. I hope your vacation time turns out great. Thanks for linking up.

  3. It sounds like you have raised two beautiful and smart young ladies! Congrats and best wishes to the elder and hooray! for the younger one's wise choice. :)
    Enjoy your vacation time! My husband and I go on vacation about this time next month and I can't wait!
    Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  4. Sounds like a super busy summer for your family :) My daughter has tried a few different activities, but just stuck with one through it all. Definitely quality over quantity ;)

  5. Play it cool momma... but we're all freaking out a little bit your girl is headed to college!!! :)
    YES - quality over quantity is a huge thing to learn young. Glad she made these decisions already
    Hope you enjoy that time with your hubby!!!

  6. Oh how fun for your oldest girl...getting ready to go off to college!! which college is she going to? does she know her roommate yet? my youngest will begin her 3rd year at UNH this year. Time flies doens't it?
    It sounds like a lovely family vacaton you have coming up...and praise God for the party and church camp going well!!
    Happy weekend and enjoy your vacation!

  7. I'm glad the party and camp and orientation went so well! It's hard to know how many opportunities to say yes to for our kids without it being too much for them and the whole family. Sounds like your daughter made a wise choice. Hope you have a great vacation!


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