
Friday, June 28, 2019

First Lines Friday ~ 6/28/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

Northeast Tennessee near the Obed River
The initial step off the sheer face of a three-hundred-plus-foot drop was always the most terrifying.
 Page 56
For a man who'd spent so much time defending his country he hadn't been able to escape the scars Katie's and their baby's deaths had left behind.


P.S. I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!

Also linking up to:


  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from "The Pink Bonnet" by Liz Tolsma:

    "Momma, Momma, watch me."

  2. Is the first line a suicide? How dramatic an opening. My Friday quotes

  3. My first line is from No Ocean Too Wide by Carrie Turansky. It came out a few days ago!
    London 1909
    Katie McAlister’s heart pounded a frantic beat as she gripped the rickety railing and rushed down the back stairs.
    Great historical book!

  4. Oo looks intriguing!

    Today on my blog I shared the first 2 lines from Until the Mountains Fall by Connilyn Cossette but it's also my current read so I'll share the first line from chapter 7 where I am now: "I found my father on the roof, on his knees." It's amazing so far! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with plenty of quality reading time :)

  5. That 56 was so sad but pulled me right in. I added you to the Linky. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks! When I stopped by it wasn't live yet :)

  6. Lisa Harris consistently delivers a great read. I'm sure you'll enjoy this.

    I'm sharing the opening line from The Secret to Hummingbird Cake by Celeste Fletcher McHale over on my blog today, and I'm currently reading Wickedly Charming by Kristine Grayson. I clicked "buy" on the first line of the sample:

    "Book Fair. The very words of the sign filled Mellie with loathing. Book Fair indeed. More like Book Unfair."

    Quirky, and it appeals to my sense of humour. I'm halfway through and loving it! Happy reading :)

  7. I love Lisa’s books!

    Today I’m sharing on my blog the first line from The Cowboy’s Convenient Marriage by Valerie Comer.

    Spencer Haviland had prided himself on planning his life to the tiniest detail.

  8. Today I'm sharing the first lines from Living Lies by Natalie Walters: "Just let go. The breeze lifted Lane Kent's auburn hair from the back of her neck." Happy Reading!

  9. I think I would need more before deciding if this was a book for me. I did think that the opening line was about rock climbing.


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