
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wednesday Medley ~ 6/26/19

Come join Terri @ Your Friend From Florida every Wednesday.  She comes up with the questions and we answer them ;)
NATIONAL PARCHMENT DAY – Last Wednesday in June
National Parchment Day- Last Wednesday in June
Celebrate parchment and its many uses by clicking on the image.


At the end of June, National Parchment Day arrives to bring innovation and convenience back to the kitchen.
Parchment infuses flavor, locks in moisture and preserves vital nutrients and has long been a part of the traditional French kitchen. Ever versatile, parchment conveniently transitions from skillet to oven and from the grill to table.  Its ability to be elegant as well as useful makes it one of the more effective tools in the kitchen.
Cooking “en papillote” enhances natural flavors, without the synthetic sprays and high-fat oils. Not only does culinary parchment simplify preparation and clean-up, but it’s also a much healthier and environmentally friendlier alternative to traditional cooking techniques. The French have cooked with parchment for centuries, perfecting taste and texture in every dish. It has long served as the secret to preparing wholesome, healthy meals.
With all these added benefits, it’s difficult to ignore what parchment brings to the kitchen and to the table.  Use a variety of parchment products to make composing delicious meals in the home kitchen a culinary success.
Turn your kitchen into a parchment test kitchen. Share your delicious results by using #NationalParchmentDay on social media.
PaperChefNational Parchment Day was submitted by PaperChef and declared by the Registrar of National Day Calendar in June 2016. With local food movements on the rise, PaperChef is encouraging all culinary enthusiasts – from professional chefs to home cooks – to explore foods that mirror the “farm to fork movement,” offering North Americans viable alternatives to their popular but non-compostable and non-recyclable counterparts, refusing to compromise on quality and integrity by manufacturing items that won’t live in landfills for centuries.
Everything above this line is from the National Day Calendar.

1.  Who knew there was a day to celebrate parchment paper?!  Do you ever use parchment when you bake or cook? Tell us about your favorite way to use it, please
I had no idea there was a day to celebrate parchment paper either!  The only time I really use parchment paper is when I bake cookies.  It makes clean up so much easier!
2.  When Terri thinks of parchment paper, she usually thinks about special writing or artist papers. She loves using specialty papers for creating cards or other art projects. Tell us about a creative way you have used parchment paper other than to bake with!
Sorry!  I can't think of any creative way I've used parchment paper! 
3.  Terri used to be in the cake business and has piped many borders and roses and leaves and letters, etc., etc.  You can make a pastry bag from parchment paper!  Have you ever tried decorating a cake with a pastry bag and specialty tips?  Do you have a picture to share?  Don't be shy, now!
My youngest daughter, Laken, loves baking and asked for baking supplies for Christmas the past few years.  She has pasty bags and all kinds of tips.  She's working on her decorating skills and has definitely improved.  I have pictures but they must be on my phone...
4.  Tell us about something you baked or cooked in the past week or so that turned out great, parchment or no parchment.  Will you share the recipe?

At Camp Meeting last week we did so much cooking.  We offered breakfast, lunch and dinner to the campers.  We had baked pork chops one night that were delicious and beef stew another night.  A group of us ladies from Church also spent most of the day the Friday before Camp Meeting making 22 pies for dessert.  They were made of about 7-8 different fillings.  Pumpkin was my favorite!
5.  The last Wednesday in June!!  How can that be? Has your June flown by or have you been able to enjoy each day and make it slow down for you?
June has absolutely flown by!  We've had something going on every week and I've only just been getting back into an "at home" mode and I love it.  Here's to some nice relaxing days in July!
6.  Tell us something about your week so far, if you will.
I'm loving finally having some down time to read, crochet and get some walks in.
P.S.  I hope you can stop by my ETSY SHOP!


  1. Summer is such a busy time, and in Wisconsin we try to cram in all the outdoor fun activities into three months. A slight exaggeration. :-) When I go to upload photos for my blog, across the top one of the choices is "from my phone." Since I finally synced (??) My phone to Google, I can now access my phone photos for my blog also. Pretty handy.

  2. Down time... ahhhhh. I will have some down time when I get my knee replaced and can't drive for six weeks! Thank you for joining the Medley today! Much appreciated!


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