
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday Talk ~ 3/12/19

Things I'm thinking about lately:

~Sickness.  I mentioned that our whole house was sick last week.  It was horrible!  It started out with a head/chest cold and ended with an intestinal bug.  I was so excited that it turned March (Yay for birth-months!) and then we had a week of misery!  Thankfully, we're feeling better for the most part.  Have you gotten sick this winter?  Did you get a flu shot?  Did it help?

~Multigenerational Home.  In case you weren't aware, a little over two years ago, our family of 4 moved in with my parents.  We added an addition onto the back of the house with a large Family Room and a Bedroom.  There were many reasons for our decision but one that keeps me feeling great about the move is that we are here to care for each other.  My Mom was the first one down with the Sickness (yes, capitalized :).  While she was resting, my Dad and I washed and dried the dishes.  Spending that quality time with him is priceless.  Even doing something as mundane as dishes together was special.  I think of the time my kids are getting to spend with the grandparents and I'm very grateful that we are where we're at.  Right where we're supposed to be...

~Softball.  Have I mentioned yet that Laken signed up to play softball?  She hasn't played ball since she was in t-ball but a bunch of her new friends are playing and she decided to give it a try.  Her coach called a few evenings ago to let us know that practices will be starting April 1st and opening day is May 4th.  (it is getting real!)  We still need to get her a pair of spikes (or are they cleats?) and a few other small things.  I'm so excited to watch the girls play ball.  Spring is coming!  Do you have a ballplayer in your life?

What have you been thinking about lately???


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