
Friday, March 29, 2019

First Lines Friday and 56 ~ 3/29/19

Today's "First Lines" and "56" are from:

Washington D.C. -- 1879

There was only one thing Kate Norton loved more than winning, and that was winning against Trevor McDonough.


 Page 56

"I can't save those people, but I can try to save you," he said.

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  1. Happy Friday! My first line is from “Remember Me” by Marion Ueckermann:

    “Seated cross-legged on the floor of her bedroom with her two best friends, Clarise Aylward leaned forward and lit the candles on the birthday cake her mom had made for them.

  2. Happy Friday!

    Today I am sharing the first two lines from The Highest of Hopes by Susan Anne Mason on my blog: Currently, I am reading A Silken Thread by Kim Vogel Sawyer, so I will share a line from that book here.

    "Willie carried two steaming bowls to the scarred table in the corner of the small kitchen."

    Hope your weekend is a good one. Happy reading! πŸ™‚πŸ’šπŸ“š

  3. Sounds like the couple have a little competition thing going on. My Friday quotes

  4. That's such a beautiful cover! I love the soft colours. 😊
    Friday Spotlight

  5. Sounds like a great story. I love the beginning. This week I am spotlighting Grave Destiny by Kalayna Price. Happy reading!

  6. Beautiful 56! What a sweet thing to say to someone. :-) Happy weekend!

  7. Great lines!! The cover is pretty, too!

    My First Line is, "The wail of a ship’s whistle jerked Anna Wilson from sleep despite the cotton wadding she’d shoved in her ears before bed."

    This is from The Great Lakes Lighthouse Brides Collection by multiple authors.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Blessings~ ��

  8. Always a fascinating time period!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  9. Happy Friday! Today I'm sharing the first line from Grit & Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms by Suzanne Hadley Gosslin and Gretta Kennedy:

    "I was having one of those mornings."

  10. Happy Friday! I'm featuring Beauty in Battle by Robin Patchen today. Here is the first line from Chapter Nine:

    "This is it?" Jack peered at the rusty sign hung from the front of a rundown brick building.

  11. I really liked that book! I shared from Glory Road by Lauren Denton on my blog. Here is the first line of another book in my TBR stack, The Governess of Penwythe Hall. "A biting gust of Cornish wind screamed downward from the churning sky, billowing Cordelia Greythorne's jet-black traveling cape.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. I love Elizabeth Camden's books :)

    I'm sharing the first line from A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by Australian author Carolyn Miller on my blog today. I'm currently up to Chapter Seven, and here's the first line:

    The next time at services Caroline did her best to recall why she attended, to fix her thoughts on the service and not on the gentleman seated two rows behind her on her left.

    Happy reading!


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