
Monday, March 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 3/11/19

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
Last week was a blur of sickness.  We're now feeling better and I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of our regular routine :)


The weather outside is::::

Sunday was absolutely beautiful.
Bring on Spring!

On my breakfast plate:


As I look around the house::::

All bedding and blankets from the Family Room have been washed due to our bout of the flu.  It took all day Saturday to wash and dry them all!

On today's to do list::::

Watch Damon
Menu/Grocery List

Happening this week::::
Monday.... Devotions, Babysit Damon, menu/grocery list,
Tuesday...  Devotions, Groceries, exercise, Schedule, crochet, Ladies Meeting
Wednesday... Devotions, Babysit Damon, Pick up fundraiser items, Laken from Reading Comp Practice, Prayer Meeting,
Thursday... Devotions, Exercise, Budget, crochet, laundry, Laken from Environthon practice
Friday...  Devotions, Babysit Damon, Family Dinner
Saturday...  Devotions, Exercise, Laundry, Bowling for Andrew's Birthday (my nephew)
Sunday...  Church, Devotions

Currently reading::::


I haven't actually started this book yet and , as a matter of fact, I don't even own it yet.  However, I'll be picking it up at the store on Tuesday.  I'm not reading anything else right now, so I'll count this as my "Currently Reading".

 On the TV::::

The Voice
Jaws Marathon 1-4

Listening to:

Sirius XM The Message

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes
Tuesday - Ladies Meeting Potluck
Wednesday - Pork Chops, Fried Potatoes
Thursday - Sausage Gravy, Biscuits
Friday -  Yoyo (You're On Your Own)
Saturday - Breakfast, Pizza
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I finished the Beautiful Shells Baby Afghan and will continue to work on Laken's Ombre Afghan this week.

Picture From the Camera

I can't remember if I shared Laken's most recent creation.  She loves baking :)




  1. It is always good to be on the mend. It sounds like you have your week started, hope all goes as planned.

  2. Glad you are all feeling well now. We have been a sickly bunch as well.

  3. I am so glad the sickness has passed! Being well always makes everything look better. Have a GREAT week.

  4. Glad you are all feeling better. Wow what a nice cake. A jaws marathon? Oh I have to do this! I have dvds of 1 and 2

  5. SO glad to hear your family is on the mend from the flu! Its been horrible this year! Your daughters cake look amazing! Your menu sound wonderful as well! Praying all of you stay well and have a blessed week ahead!

  6. I'm glad to hear that everyone is feeling better at your house. I'm a big fan of The Voice. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. So glad everyone is on the upswing and getting healthy! Have a wonderful week! Annster's Domain

  8. Colleen, glad everyone is on the mend! I think I need to check out that book. I have a friend who even apologizes for eating slow! I tell her, "Stop it. This isn't a race. Just shut up and eat!" :D

  9. That book looks good.. I need to read her other book first. Love your quote! Have a great week!

  10. She did awesome on that cake :) I haven't read that book, it sounds like one I would enjoy :) Have a wonderful week.

  11. This was also wash all the linens weekend for us. My weekly updates

  12. So happy you are feeling better. Thank you for sharing at the You're The Star Blog Hop, Kippi

  13. Sorry sickness found your house as well. Glad you are feeling better! A Jaws marathon sounds so fun, especially with all the rainy weather around here. Hope you have a wonderful and super healthy rest of your week!


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