Thursday, June 28, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 6/29/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

Chicago, August 1893

As circumspectly as she could, Rosalind Perry smoothed her dark gray skirts before meeting the wide, assessing gaze of Douglass Sloane, the twenty-four-year-old son and heir of the Sloane estate.

"And who might you be?" he asked.

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  1. How very imperious!

    I'm featuring the first line from 'The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond' by Jaime Jo Wright over on my blog, but right now I'm going to share the first line from the book I just started, A Love Restored by Kelly Goshorn:

    'Land sakes it was hot.'

    1. How fitting as it is supposed to get very hot this weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love the tilt of her chin on the cover - It seems to show how that character (I'm guessing the one in the gray skirts from the first line!) moves through life -- with courage and confidence!

    On my blog, I'm featuring Only the River Runs Free, but I'll share the first line of another book on my TBR list here, Elizabeth Musser's Searching for Eternity: "I am watching the evening news, alone in my house, hungry and tired from the day's work, eating a piece of leftover pizza and wishing it were blanquette de veau. The story comes near the end of the NBC program."

    Have a blessed weekend, Colletta! :-)

    1. I love leftover pizza :) lol Thanks for stopping by!

  3. This cover is so unique, it captures my attention. I've been curious about this book for awhile now. I need to get a copy!

    Over on my blog, I'm sharing the first line from Rachel Fordham's debut book "The Hope of Azure Springs." I hope you get the chance to check it out! Here I'll share the first line from Chapter Five.
    "Em stood on the front porch, quietly looking heavenward. The sun had yet to rise."

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Em must be an early riser! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Ooh, this looks like a great read. Adding this to my TBR. Thanks for sharing. :D

    I’m sharing about “The Hawaiian Discovery” by Wanda E. Brunstetter and Jean Brunstetter over on my blog today. Since I’m currently reading a YA Christian fantasy novel called “Choice of the Mighty” by Kenyon T. Henry, I’ll share my first line from there.

    “He walked alone down the sidewalk.”

    Happy reading and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I almost picked up the Hawaiian Discovery last night but I haven't read the first book yet. Enjoy!

  5. Happy Friday!๐Ÿ˜Š

    My FLF comes from a book I will be reading shortly, The Hope Jar by Wanda Brunstetter....

    Tears streamed down Sara Murray’s face as she sat on the living-room floor, going through another box of her mother’s things. Mama had passed away two weeks ago after a short three-month battle with colon cancer.

    Have a great weekend, happyreading, and stay cool!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–

  6. Gorgeous cover, and the excerpt intrigues me. Here's mine: “MY EX-LIFE”

  7. Great tease and great cover. I'd definitely read this one. This week I am featuring Scandal Above Stairs by Jennifer Ashley. Happy reading!

  8. Love the cover!

    Happy Friday! My first line is from Hidden Currents by Christy Barritt:

    "At the sound of a footfall behind her, Cady Matthews's back muscles tightened faster than a mousetrap snapping its prey."

    1. Vivid description! lol Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I read the third book in this series and really liked it. Now you're making me want to go back and read the first two :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. I've heard great things about Shelley's mysteries!

    I just finished reading Lone Witness by Rachel Dylan...
    Guilty. That's the only possible verdict.

    1. I have a book by Rachel Dylan on my shelf! Enjoy:)

  11. Oh I definitely want to read this one! I love the cover and that beginning!

  12. ’m sharing the first line from Falling for the Cowgirl on my blog today, but I’m currently reading The Saturday Night Supper Club by Carla Laureano. The first line is “Three hours into Saturday night dinner service and she was already running on fumes.”

    I hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend too!

  13. I've read this (and was impressed), but I'm sure the version I read had a different cover. This one is far more high impact!

    I'm sharing from Five Days in Skye by Carla Laureano on my blog today. But I'm reading Bookishly Ever After by Sarah Monzon, the final novella in the Timeless Love collection I featured a couple of weeks ago. It's ticking all the boxes for me—contemporary romance, first person point of view, a bookish heroine, and a good friend who might become more ... Anyway, here's the first line:

    The hunter had become the hunted. Poetic? Not really.

  14. Such a beautiful cover!

    Today’s first lines come from “Getting Schooled” by Emma Chase

    "Every town has its stories.  The urban legends, history and heroes. that set it apart from the surrounding areas.  Lakeside, New Jersey, population 8,437, has some real winners."

    This was a truly fabulous second chance romance with some really laugh out loud moments of the inner workings of a high school teachers and students.

    I’m featuring lines from Alexis Anne’s new release “Come For Me, Darling” on my blog today. Hope you can stop by.

  15. oo I like the cover art!
    The book I'm sharing on my blog is Dead Drift by Dani Pettrey but here I'll share the book I'm currently reading The Hope of Azure Springs by Rachel Fordham: "'She dead?' Em heard a man's voice from somewhere above her." Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I love that series! Can't wait to read Dead Drift!

  16. I read one book by this author, and it was so good! And I have this book on my Kindle--can't wait to read it! Happy reading!

    1. I read the last book of this series a while ago and love it so I grabbed this on up. Enjoy!

  17. I'm a bit curious and I hope you are enjoying it.

    Here's my pick -

  18. Curious!! Hope you enjoy it!

    Here is my teaser!

    Have a great day! Luv Sassy!

  19. Thank you and have a great week!

  20. I love the cover and I'm starting to like this time period so I might give it a try. See what we are featuring at Girl Who Reads

  21. The cover has me wanting to read the book.


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