Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday 9 ~ Back in the USA ~ 6/30/18

Back in the USA (1978)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song lists seven cities -- New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Chattanooga, Baton Rouge and St. Louis -- that Linda just loves. How many have you visited?

I've only been to one on the list and that is New York City.  I've actually been there a few times and even got to ride the carriage in Central Park.

2) The lyrics refer to hamburgers sizzling on the grill. What toppings do you believe make a perfect burger?

Cheese and Ketchup!

3) The original recording of this song by Chuck Berry has always been one of Linda Ronstadt's favorites, one she used to enjoy singing along with in the car. What's the most recent song you sang? 

I always have songs going through my mind.  I guess the last one was Shut Up + Dance as I looked at last week's post :)

 4) Linda sang The National Anthem at Game 3 of the 1977 World Series. The New York Yankees won both that game and the series. How is your baseball team doing this season?
My team is the Pittsburgh Pirates and they are like 8 games behind right now :(

 Since this is our last Saturday 9 before Independence Day, let's ask some questions about the holiday. 
5) During the Revolutionary War, General Washington celebrated the 4th of July by giving his troops a double ration of rum. Will you imbibe any spirits on Independence Day?
I'm not a spirit imbiber...  So, nope.

6) The first man to sign the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock, said he wrote his name so large King George could see it, even without his glasses. Do you require glasses for reading? 

Not for reading, but I do require glasses or contacts for seeing at a distance.

 7) Since July 4 is a federal holiday, banks are closed and there's no mail delivery. Thanks to email and ATMs, Sam finds going without those services isn't a hardship. What about you? Will you find it inconvenient that banks and the USPS are closed on July 4?
No, not really.

8) The first 4th of July parade each year is held at 12:01 AM in Gatlinberg, TN. Will you attend a parade or fireworks to celebrate the 4th?

We'll be attending Fireworks over the Lake at Shawnee State Park this year.

9) More and more Americans celebrate our nation's holiday by eating foods from Italy and Germany. For the July 4, 2016 holiday, more than $50 million was spent on Italian sausage and bratwurst. What's on your 4th of July menu?

We haven't actually made specific plans yet, but usually the normal burgers and hotdogs are on the menu.  Maybe some grilled chicken breast marinated in Italian dressing.  Yumm....
Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


Friday, June 29, 2018

Tea Time ~ A Cottage and a Bear ~ 6/29/18

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~We rented a cottage at Shawnee State Park for two nights in the beginning of the week!  It has been 2 long, busy years since we had camped and it felt glorious!

~We saw a bear!  A Big, Big, Big BEAR!  I was standing on the porch of the cottage and looked over to my left and there he was!  As big as could be!  The park ranger said that there have been a male, female and 2 cubs wondering around the park.  I think we saw the male :)  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture :(

~Laken had her first Summer Reading Program day on Monday before we went to the cottage!  She loved it!  I was afraid she'd be shy but she jumped right in and even made a new friend that will be in her class when she changes schools in the Fall.  My plan all along ;)

~Damon is staying with us for a few days while my cousin Steph and the rest of her family go to Kings Dominion!  They dropped him off with us on Thursday morning and so far, so good!  He even slept all night for me :)

~My cousin's Fiancé is having a Bridal Shower Sunday afternoon!  You might have read about it before on my Work in Progress posts.  I have the gift, an afghan, completed.  I just need to wash it and throw it in the dryer.  I love showers :)

How was your week?


Thursday, June 28, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 6/29/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

Chicago, August 1893

As circumspectly as she could, Rosalind Perry smoothed her dark gray skirts before meeting the wide, assessing gaze of Douglass Sloane, the twenty-four-year-old son and heir of the Sloane estate.

"And who might you be?" he asked.

Also linking up to:

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Book Review ~ From the Start by Melissa Tagg


Kate Walker used to believe in true love and happily ever after. While her own love life may have left her brokenhearted, it hasn't kept her from churning out made-for-TV romance movie screenplays...until a major career slump and a longing to do something meaningful send her running back to her hometown of Maple Valley.

Permanently sidelined by an injury, former NFL quarterback Colton Greene is temporarily hiding out in a friend's hometown to avoid the media and the reminders of all he's lost. Maple Valley seems like the perfect place to learn how to adjust to normal life. The only trouble is he's never really done normal before.

While Kate plays things safe and Colton is all about big risks and grand gestures, they both get what it's like to desperately need direction in life. An unexpected project gives them both a chance to jumpstart their new lives, but old wounds and new dreams are hard to ignore. Starting over wasn't part of the plan, but could it be the best thing that's ever happened to them?

My Thoughts:
It took me forever to finally get this book finished!  I've been so busy with life that it took me a while to find the time to dig in.
Finally, we went camping for 3 days and I had lots of time to read!
I always seem to enjoy reading books that are based around sports and this book featured football.  More specifically, a football player.  Well, ex-football player.
Football, writing, tornados, floods and romance made this a great read.
One weird thing about the book that I had to get used to was jumping forward in time.  At the end of each chapter, the timeline would go a whole day, week, or even month forward and continue the story from there.  It confused me the first few times and made me think that I had messed up my place in reading.  Like I had skipped something.  But then the author would explain what happened during the time that was missing.  Make sense???
After I finally had some time and got used to the writing style, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
I'm so excited that this is the first book of the Walker Family Series.  That means a whole new family to get to know and love.


Wordless Wednesday ~ 6/27/18


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Menu ~ 6/26/18

For the Week of 6/26/18-7/2/18

Tuesday:            Camping...Hot Dogs, Chips and Smores

Image result for Camping Clip Art

Wednesday:       Fish Fillets, Mac-N-Cheese, Peas, Pears

Image result for fish fillets

Thursday:         Ham Pot Pie, Green Beans, Rolls, Strawberries

Image result for ham pot pie

Friday:               Porcupine Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Pudding Pies

Image result for porcupine meatballs

Saturday:           Kielbasa, Fried Potatoes, Corn, Apples

Sunday:              Church Pot Luck

Image result for pot luck

Monday:              Chicken, Alfredo Noodles, Broccoli, Oranges

Image result for chicken brest

What are you eating this week?


Sunday, June 24, 2018

What I'm Reading ~ 6/25/18

Today I'm reading:

 In the biggest case of her career, attorney Kate Sullivan is tapped as lead counsel to take on Mason Pharmaceutical because of a corporate cover-up related to its newest drug. After a whistleblower dies, Kate knows the stakes are much higher than her other lawsuits.

Former Army Ranger turned private investigator Landon James is still haunted by mistakes made while serving overseas. Trying to forget the past, he is hired by Kate to look into the whistleblower's allegation and soon suspects that the company may be engaging in a dangerous game for profit. He also soon finds himself falling for this passionate and earnest young lawyer.

Determined not to make the same mistakes, he's intent on keeping Kate safe, but as the case deepens, it appears someone is willing to risk everything--even murder--to keep the case from going to trial.

What are you reading?


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Song I'm Loving ~ Dream Small by Josh Wilson

This is such a novel concept in today's world.

Love it!


Sunday Post ~ 6/24/18
This is a post to recap the previous week here on the blog.
The Sunday Post is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
 Song I'm Loving:


Nothing this week...


Have a great week!

Please leave a link so I can stop by your blog :)


Friday, June 22, 2018

Saturday 9 ~ Shut Up + Dance ~ 6/23/18

Shut Up + Dance (2014)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This is about a man who meets the woman who is his destiny on the dance floor. Do you think we each have One Great Love preordained by fate? Or do you think life offers each of us many opportunities for romance?
I don't believe in "fate".  I believe that God has a plan for each of us.  I do however believe there are many opportunities for romance throughout our life.  Personally, I hope to continue with my "One Great Love" for the rest of our lives :)

 2) Lead singer Nick Petricca says this song is inspired by a true story. He was all keyed up and his girlfriend dragged him onto the dance floor, insisting that dancing would cheer him up. Therefore he considers this song an "anthem to letting go and having fun." Think of the last time you really had fun. Who were you with? What were you doing?
This is a hard one!  I've had many times of joy lately but outright fun?  I guess riding amusement park rides with the hubby and the girls a few weeks ago.

3) The dance floor incident that inspired this song took place in Echo Park, an LA neighborhood located near Elysian Park and Chinatown. Tell us about your village or city. Do the neighborhoods have interesting names?

Hollywood, Hogback, Frog Eye, Mortgage Row, Mosquito Flats.  There are some interesting ones around! 

4) Walk the Moon promoted this record by a performance on Good Morning America. Are you enthusiastic and energetic at 7:00 AM? Or do you hit your stride later in the day?
I'm usually, in the summer, just waking up around 7am.  I like to get out and take a walk before it gets too hot, although I haven't had to worry about the "hot" part lately.  What is with this weather?

5) "Shut Up + Dance" is the biggest hit by Walk the Moon. The bandmembers met as at Kenyon, Ohio's oldest private college. Tell us about something that's old and revered where you live. 
We have 'Olde Bedford Village" and also Fort Bedford in our area.  Both are from the Revolutionary War era.

 6) Walk the Moon took their name from the Police song, "Walking on the Moon." What's your favorite song by Sting and/or The Police?
Truthfully, I don't care for Sting and/or The Police very much....

7) In 2014, the year this song was popular, Robin Williams took his own life. What's your favorite Robin Williams performance?
Probably, Mrs. Doubtfire.  "It was a drive-by fruiting!"  lol

 8) Also in 2014, the Apple Watch was introduced. Are you wearing a watch as you answer these 9 questions?

Yep.  I wear my watch from the time I get dressed until the time I put my pajamas on at night.

9) Random question -- You must create a coat of arms for yourself, representing your life and spirit. Which of these items would you place at the center: a heart, a sword, or a pen?

I think I'll go with:  a heart :)

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!


Thursday, June 21, 2018

First Lines Friday ~ 6/22/18

Today's "First Lines" are from:

How in the world had rain earned such a romantic rep?

Kate Walker tipped the collar of her jacket and burrowed her chin against the chilly afternoon's heavy breathing.  Chicago's usual sticky late-August warmth had gone into hiding--saggy clouds and a veil of gray creating the perfect backdrop for the swoon-worthy embrace playing out in front of her.

The dashing hero holding tight to his girl in the middle of the park, swinging her in a circle as she laughed with abandon.  Oblivious to the rainfall, the both of them.  And then...the most magic moment of all.

The kiss.

Also linking up to:

20 Books of Summer 2018 ~ Update ~ 6/21/18

Cathy over at 746 Books is hosting a summer reading challenge called "20 Book of Summer 2018".

This is just a little update of the first 5 books I've read toward the 20 Books of Summer 2018 Challenge.

I'm actually really surprised to have hit the 5 book marks already.
Have you read any of these books?
How are you doing on your 20 Books of Summer Challenge???


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Menu ~ 6/19/18

For the Week of 6/19/18-6/25/18

Tuesday:            Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Green Beans, Peaches

Image result for lasagna

Wednesday:       Meatloaf, Buttered Noodles, Broccoli, Pears

Image result for meatloaf

Thursday:         Ham, homemade Mac-n-cheese, Peas, Strawberries

Image result for fried ham

Friday:               Thin Crust Pizza, Salad, Grapes

Saturday:           Kielbasa, Fried Potatoes, Corn, Apples

Sunday:              Church Pot Luck

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Monday:              Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Candied Carrots, Oranges

Image result for chicken brest

What are you eating this week?
