
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hodgepodge ~ 5/24/17
Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:
1. What color is prominent in your home? Are you glad about that or wishing you could cover it up or remove it?

The prominent colors through the main part of the house are white, blue and wood.  Our bedroom and the girls' room have other colors for accessorizing.  As the decorating was done by my Mom and I grew up here, I'm very comfortable with these colors.  Once we have our addition built on (the West Wing), I'm trying to decide what colors to paint.  Should I go neutral and just accessorize or go color on the walls?  I really need your opinion!

2. What's something you'll NEVER do again?

Snowtubing!  I about broke my neck!  At least it felt like it...

3. Tell us a couple of ways you fit the stereotypes associated with your gender, and a couple of ways you don't.

I'm a wife and mom who likes to bake, crochet and read a good romance novel.  I, however, am not overly concerned with dressing up.  I could take it or leave it.  I used to wear dresses or skirts to work everyday when I was just out of college and the business world was a bit more formal.  I didn't mind it then but don't think I would like it now.

4. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month. Have you ever owned a motorcycle? Ever ridden a motorcycle? If the opportunity presented itself would you hop on a motorcycle and go for a ride?

I tend to not like motorcycles as they seem so dangerous.  About 15 years ago, I came upon an accident that included a motorcyclist who was killed.  It turned out to be my cousin's husband.  It was a terrible tragedy.  I also don't like how wreckless SOME bikers are.  I don't know if I'd go for a ride or not.  I'd have to go VERY slow.

5. If someone wanted to understand you, what should they read, watch, and listen to?

They should read Inspirational Fiction with a few Cozy Mysteries thrown in.  They should watch Pirates Baseball, the Voice and America's Got Talent.  And they should listen to KLOVE or Country music.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Flip Flop Swap
I'm hosting a Flip Flop Swap.
Sign-ups end June 2, 2017.
  Click HERE for more information.

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!


  1. Just stopping by from The Hodgepodge. I enjoyed reading your answers today.
    I share your thoughts about motorcycles, it's why I refused to ride hubby's 3rd bike.
    A flip flop swap is a neat idea!
    Kathy (Reflections by Kathy)

  2. What a scary experience to feel like your neck was broken when you were snowtubing. We have a place that's about 20 minutes from us that offers snowtubing. There are 10 runs and I'm amazed at how fast some of the tubes go down the hill - and how some of them can go in the air (depending on if there are moguls or not). That's good that you are safe. Hope you have a great week!

  3. As I said in another comment: Motorcycles are as dangerous as the operators. And the vehicles around them not looking out for them. Even so, there are some people out there on motorcycles who have no business being on them!!!
    I couldn't come up with anything for the getting to know you question, but as I'm reading everybody's answer, I'm coming up with stuff!

  4. How horrible for you to come across your husband's cousin's accident. I've never heard of a flip flop swap but what a cute idea! Enjoy your week.


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