
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Family Time ~ Fishing Date ~ 5/23/17


The hubby loves to fish.
I enjoy fishing but get easily bored with it so for the past few years, I haven't even gotten my fishing license.  Instead, I've taken a book.  hehe
This year, though, I decided I wanted to spend some quality time with the hubby without my nose being stuck in a book so I got my license.  And some fake worms, because I am NOT touching a real one!
The other afternoon was the first opportunity that we had to go fishing together.  The hubby had found out that the DCNR had stocked the cricks (yes, cricks) in our area and was excited to go.  I couldn't resist him asking me if I wanted to go along.

I think he's just so cute with all his fishing gear on!

Between the two of us this was the only fish caught!  The hubby says that the water is too clear right now and the fish see us and are scared off.

Even though we didn't have much success in catching fish, I loved every minute spent with my love and look forward to many more fishing dates this season.

So, do you fish?  How do you spend quality time with your love?

Flip Flop Swap
I'm hosting a Flip Flop Swap.
Sign-ups end June 2, 2017.
  Click HERE for more information.

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1 comment:

  1. my hubby fished on the Atlantic growing up off the coast of cape cod and we have gone together years ago when first married but now our dates are more like hikes, kayaking trips, mini golf, in-house movie ir game nights or the once in a while pub date. sometimes we even do library dates followed by coffeehouse. sometimes it is a trip to one of the many museums or art galleries we live near and about once or twice a year we have a date to the theatre for a musical or symphony.


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