
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Weigh-In Wednesday ~ 12/14/16

My inspiration:
Commit whatever you do to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.
Proverbs 16:3



My weigh-in was a bit disappointing this week.

I only lost 0.6 pounds :(

I know it was still a loss.  I'm thankful it wasn't a gain, I truly am.

But still, I'm a little sad.

I know where I went awry.  Too much Christmas celebration and not enough exercise due to moving house this week.

Now to remedy that this week.

I need to lose 1.2 pounds to reach 15 pounds lost.

I've decided that I don't want to feel deprived this Christmas season, so I've set my goal to try to at least hit the 15 pound mark by the 1st of the Year.  That gives me a few to hit the goal while still enjoying everything the season has to offer.

If I can manage that, I will still be down 15 pounds more than if I had waited until after the holiday to start Weight Watchers.  I'll be that much farther ahead.

How are you managing all the dinners, cookies and treats that come out of the wood-works this time of year?

My week's stats:

Weigh-in:  -0.6 lbs.  Total:  -13.8 lbs.

Exercise:  Sadly, I only exercised once this week :(

Tracking:  I didn't do so well with my tracking this week.  It was a bit much trying to move house and get on the computer to track my food as well.  I found myself just "guessing" where I was at with my points.  Getting back on the tracking wagon this week!



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Linking up to  WholeHearted WednesdayR&R, Word Filled Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Ladies Collective,   Party in Your PJs,  Works or Me, Wake-Up Wednesday and  Women with IntentionPeaches and Salt, Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman, Classical Homemaking.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your transparency, Coletta, and your "get real" approach to holiday eating. I think weight loss, or any habit change for the better, must fall into the "in all things" category. Thanks for the reminder to cover all our endeavors in prayer. Blessings from your neighbor at Mary's.


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