
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Hodgepodge ~ 12/14/16

Joyce's Hodgepodgey Questions:

1. Are you more task oriented or people oriented? Elaborate.
I can be both.  When I am "on a mission" to get something done, don't stand in my way.  But if I don't have anything pressing, then I am definitely people oriented.

 2. December 15 is National Wear Your Pearls you own/wear pearls? If you're a man answering the question, does your sweetheart own or wear pearls? Everyone share a 'pearl of wisdom' with us here today.
I do NOT own any pearls.  Not even fake ones.  Maybe one day.  My "pearl of wisdom" is:  Choose joy over chaos!

 3. Speaking of pearls...oysters? Are you a fan or not a fan? If you answered yes, tell us your favorite way to eat oysters? If you said no, be honest-have you ever tried one or does just the idea of eating an oyster make you gag a little?
I"m not big on any seafood and the thought of eating an oyster does make me gag a little! lol

 4. Time Magazine has named President-elect Donald Trump Person of the Year. Let's take presidents and presidential candidates out of the mix for a minute. If a political figure had not been chosen who would you name Man or Woman of the Year for 2016?
My parents!  They are the absolute best even though everyone else might think THEIR parents are the best, mine truly are :)

 5. The Pantone Color of the Year for 2017 has been announced, and it's a vibrant green aptly named-greenery. Your thoughts? Is this a color currently in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in this shade for the new year? Click here to see the color.
I don't pay much attention to the "color of the year".  I just buy/use what I like and what strikes me.

 6. Today I've had too much________________________.
It is pretty early in the day so I can't really think of anything I've had too much of today.  I'm a little boring ;)

 7. Share a favorite lyric from a favorite Christmas carol.
All is calm; All is bright.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I'd love for you to join in the 2017 PenPal sign-ups here on my blog.

For more information, please click HERE, the picture below or see the top right sidebar :)

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!


  1. #6 stumped me a bit too as it's still early here. But then I remembered I was using the Hodgepodge as an excuse to put off doing my to do list! Procrastinating again!

  2. I always like hearing people say they have the best parents or husband or children. That's the way it should be. :)

    I don't pay any attention to the color of the year either. Who decides those things anyway?

  3. There is a lot of chaos this time of year, and choosing to embrace the joy is wise. Enjoy your day!

  4. Oh I really like your pearl of wisdom. So many things are a choice. Almost all of them!

  5. I love how you'd pick your parents as Time's Persons of the Year. Mine were pretty spectacular, too. :)

  6. What a great pearl of wisdom! Enjoyed reading your answers to all of the questions.

  7. Love your pearl of wisdom. Also it's great that you can nominate your parents for Persons of the year. Have a great week!

  8. Great post. It was fun. I liked the pearls ? I have some I never wear that are on a vintage pig water pitcher. I have some faux pearls I wore for awhile then put on my dog! She looked very chic!
    I enjoyed your post! You brought back some fond memories.

    1. Hi, Your comment on Coletta's Hodgepodge blog post made me smile, I'd love to see the pearls on your dog!
      Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  9. I like your pearl of wisdom, I follow that same path. I think every gal needs at least one sting of pearls, they're a girl's best friend and go with everything. have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA


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