
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tea Time ~ Moana and Book Swag ~ 12/2/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I've received my second 5 pound star!  I've lost a total of 10.2 pounds so far :)

~Demelza is finished!  This was the first crochet-a-long that I actually finished :)

~Over the holiday weekend, we took the girls to see "Moana"!  Review to come soon :)

~I got swag from Liz Curtis Higgs!  I love me some swag :)

 ~We have 26 participants signed up to be a PenPal for 2017 so far!  I'd love YOU to join :)  Click HERE for more information.

 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. Demelza looks lovely and well done on the weight loss. Have a good weekend.

  2. Congrats on your weight loss!! that is wonderful. my husband needs to lose about 15 lbs. did you follow a certain diet? we need ideas here!

    I do not know what a demelza is but it looks pretty. and is this a new disney movie? im out of the loop as my daughters are 17 and 23 and I rarely go out to movies now that we have netflix.

    i hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend doing the things you love.

    1. Thank you! I've been using the Weight Watchers program and am loving it!

      Demelza is a character on the show Poldark. The afghan creator used her as inspiration for the pattern.

      Moana is the newest Disney movie. I'll be posting a review next week :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. What a lovely week it seems you've had. Congrats on the weight loss. I know how difficult it can be. Your crochet looks great - maybe one day I can learn! I'm still getting the hang of knitting.

    Happy Five on Friday

  4. The quilt looks so nice. That looks like the colors Demelza would wear. I loved her clothes. Congratulations on your weight loss.

  5. Well done on the weight loss! That's something I need to do. Love the crochet project!
    Blessings to you and have a great weekend! I'm your neighbor at #FreshMarketFriday

  6. I'm not familiar with Demelza but what a pretty throw you made. Losing weight is difficult - congratulations! Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Congratulations on the weight loss. Demelza is lovely. I enjoy CALs (KALs, too). Great week! Happy Friday!

  8. Happy Five on Friday, Collette! I enjoyed learning about your Five :) xx

  9. Well done on the weight loss and finishing the Cal! Fabulous. Enjoy the weekend.

  10. Your crochet is wonderful! Well done you!!!

  11. Well done on the weight loss, I must admit I could do with losing a few pounds. Love the crochet.

  12. Congratulations on the weight loss! Demelza turned out nicely. I love swag, too!

  13. Sounds like a good week and I love the crochet- that's something I'd love to learn to do. I'm your neighbour today at Fresh Market Friday- I enjoyed your post!

  14. That great about your weight lose. Congratulations on finishing your project.

  15. That great about your weight lose. Congratulations on finishing your project.

  16. May we know the secret to your weight loss? A special diet?

    Can't wait for the Moana review. Is it Disney? If so, maybe there will be a great song. I still hum Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas sometimes.

  17. I'm very happy to meet you via Amy's 5 on Friday. Great idea, the Penpal I look forward to being part of it. Hey congratulations on your growing sticker collection - way (or should I say weigh) to go!!!
    Wren x

  18. Ho'omaka'i on your weight loss so far.


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