
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Feature and Follow ~ Winter ~ 12/2/16
Q: What is your favorite book with a "winter" world?

I can't think of any with a "winter" world, but there are many that are set in winter.  One of my all time favorites is the classic "Little Women".


Lately, I've been reading Christmassy books and a fun one was "Love Finds You In Frost, Minnesota".  It was a good read with lots of winter  :)




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Have a great Friday!



  1. Frost looks like an interesting book. Great choice!

    My FF post.

  2. Is it bad that I have never read Little Women? One day....

  3. I've never heard of the Judy Baer book. I'll have to check it out, since I love MN. And Little Women is a great choice.

  4. The Christmas scene in Little Women was always one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Frost looks like a darling little romance. I've read one in that series and really enjoyed it. I love the scene in Little Women as well. Great choices
    Here's my Feature & Follow
    +New e-mail follower

  6. The Frost one seems so good! Gonna have to add it to my already huge TBR pile! Thanks for sharing!

    The pen pal thing also seems awesome! Checking into it now!!

    New Follower

    Amber @ Paradise of Pages My Feature and Follow Friday!

  7. It's been a long time since I've read a seasonal book. I will try to find some for winter break.

  8. Your afghan is lovely. It reminds me of one which my mom mad before she passed away 29 years ago. It's still wrapped up and never been used.

    I'm looking forward to a few Christmas reads, I hope you enjoy your pick today.


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