
Monday, December 12, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/12/16

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The weather outside is::::


On my breakfast plate:
Smart Ones Canadian Sausage, Egg and Cheese Muffin
As I look around the house::::
I'm in a different house!

We've moved in with my parents in the country to be a multi-generational home!  I'm loving it :)

On today's to do list::::
Work on Holiday Cables Throw Part #2
Schedule Kaylee's ortho appt. (Still haven't)
Move more "stuff".
Happening this week::::
Monday....Packing, crocheting.
Tuesday...  Clean, laundry, work on HCT #2, Laken has Cheer Practice.
Wednesday... Menu and Grocery List, Baking day with Mom.
Thursday.....Laundry, HCT #2, Laken has Cheer Practice.
Friday....Groceries, crochet.
Saturday....Weight Watchers Meeting, Schedule for next week, Christmas Dinner at Church.

Currently reading::::


This is my last Christmas book for this Holiday season.  I've watched the Hallmark Movie made from Densise Hunter's December Bride.  I love Christmas books but I'm looking forward to moving on to a different topic for a while.

On the TV::::
Hallmark's Christmas in Homestead


On the Radio:::

This week I featured "Unto Us" by Matthew West for Songs on Sunday.
On the menu this week::::

Monday - Stir Fry with Steak, corn, apples
Tuesday - Pork chops, alfredo noodles, green beans, peaches
Wednesday - Meatloaf, Mashed potatoes, peas, pears
Thursday - Chicken Gravy, Biscuits, broccoli, grapes
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Bacon, Eggs, Toast
Sunday - Dinner at Church

What I am creating at the moment::::

I finished the Granny Square afghan for my Aunt Donna.  It is made with I Love This Yarn in Stonewash.  It was a delightful yarn to work with.  My Aunt loves it :)

From the Camera:::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understand, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!"

Philippians 4:7



I hope you'll consider joining in the 2017 PenPal Sign-ups here on my blog!  For more information click HERE or the picture below or the button on my sidebar.

Linking up to :What Are You Reading,   Yarn Fanatic, Art of Homemaking, Make Your Home SingGood Morning Monday, Menu Plan Monday , Yarn Along, Keep Calm Craft On, Linky Ladies, Pieces by Polly , Homemaking Linkup, Homesteader Hop.


  1. Oh, goodness! I wish I could say my move has been accomplished. I am dreading all the packing and, even worse, getting rid of things I no longer want, need, or have room for. I have a target month of June for my move. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. Your afghan is so pretty :)

    I've also been watching tons of Hallmark Christmas movies, and I haven't seen that one you posted yet, will have to hunt it down. Oh and the book you're reading, sounds like one I would really enjoy. :)

  3. How nice that you are now a multi-generational home. I Love my MIL but I don't think I could give up my own home unless I had to. I'm happy for you, Hope it is as you dreamed it would be. I am still enjoying my Christmas reads, reading Debbie Macomber at the moment. Merry Christmas!

  4. I absolutely love the colors in the afghan you shared. Beautiful! I'll have to check on the deadline for your pen pal sign up. I am still thinking on whether to join in (whether I would have time would be my main reason to pass...) Hope you are having a great week!


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