
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tea Time ~ 5.2 Pounds and A Read-A-Long ~ 11/18/16

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)

~I lost 5.2 pounds my very first week on Weight Watchers and got my 5lb Star!  You can see my Weigh-In post for this week HERE :)

~I'm going to be hosting a Bible Study/Read-a-Long in the New Year called "31 Verses to Write on Your Heart" by Liz Curtis Higgs!  I hope you'll join in!  You can read more about it HERE :)

~My wonderful Mother turned 60 years old on Monday!  Happy Birthday, Mom :)

~Both my girls got all A's on their report cards!  Way to go, Girlies :)

~Friday was Veteran's Day and this pretty flags were all up and down the street!  Thanks for you service, Dad :)


 What made you smile this week?

Please leave a comment with a link so I can return the visit!



  1. Congrats to your girls on those good grades! And Happy Birthday to your mom!
    Way to go on your weight loss!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Well...I'm old enough to be your mother! Happy birthday to your mom. I'm older than her btw. Way to go on losing that weight your very first week! WW worked well for me way back when I was 50. Congrats to your girls. Have a wonderful weekend. My link to my post is at Susanne's.

    1. Thanks! I'll be by to check out your post :)


  3. Good for you for losing 5 lbs.! And congratulations to your girls and happy birthday to your mom! That Bible study sounds interesting - will have to look the book up.

    1. Thanks and please do look the book up and maybe even read along in January!

  4. Well done on your weight loss. I'm visiting from Friday's Fave Five.

  5. What a great start to the diet and a great incentive to keep going! Well done to your girls too.

  6. Sounds like a banner week!

    Congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the good work!


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