
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tea Time ~ 5/23/14

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things that made me smile this week :)


~ There is still time to sign up for the Favorite Color Swap.  I'd love for you to join in the fun!

~Sunday afternoon was full of crafting and baking.  It was so relaxing and fun to create new things!

Recipe coming soon!

~Our lilacs were in full bloom this week.  I loved walking through the neighborhood and smelling their sweet fragrance.

~The weather has been so lovely.  I wrote in my Weigh-in Wednesday post that I walked 19 miles this week!  Some of those miles were in the evenings with the family.

~Laken had a t-ball game last night.  I love watching these littles play!

~ It is a 3 day weekend!!!!  Let's celebrate :)

What made you smile this week?

Linking up with Friendship Friday, High Five for Friday, Friday Fragments, Five on Friday, Heart Filled Friday, and Coffee Date.

I'd love for you to come Like my Facebook Page!  Pretty please?


  1. I love all your photos, they are filled with lots of life giving memories.

  2. Is your dessert called "Sex in a Pan"?

  3. Ohhhh I can't wait for the tell (smiles). Lovely photos. Blessings

  4. Those sausage croissants look incredible!! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend. glad to find your blog in the 5onFriday link-up.

  5. Your pictures are filled with memories of fun times you've had this week, Colletta. I always enjoy your pictures. Your dessert looks absolutely out of this world. I'm with Linda...can't wait for the recipe! ;) Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Our lilacs are blooming too and I've been enjoying walking some again. But I didn't get near 19 miles this week. I'll have to work up to that. Have a great 3-day weekend.

  7. Oh please oh please come make that dessert for me!!! can't wait for the recipe

  8. I will be looking for the recipes! Those sausage-cream crescents look amazing!
    Good for you on the 19 miles and yes, those are some serous cuties!
    Happy Friday!

  9. Love the lilacs, they are so beautiful.

  10. Lilacs are my favorites. Holy dessert, that looks good!
    I cannot get enough of my little grandkids and t'ball. Your little one is a cutie.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  11. Luv vanilla chai tea time!
    and ooooh such lovely lilacs... waiting here ;)
    glad you could get out for the walking and biking - too many days of rain here at the moment!
    HapPy Weekending =)


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