
Friday, February 14, 2014

High Five for Friday ~ 2/14/15

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Five things that made me smile this week :)


1. I survived snow-tubing!  Even though I crashed on my head :)

2.  Another snow-day read-a-thon!  I anticipated it all week :)

3.  Watching my little dog wade through the snow!  She loves it :)

4.  Getting my first full paycheck!  It was the first after years of being a SAHM :)

5.  Free "School Choice" pancake breakfast at my daughters' school!  It was a very sweet gesture :)

6.  I'm anticipating Valentine's Evening :)

What made you smile this week?


  1. Hey Colletta! Just swinging through from the link-up. Your description of snow tubing sounds pretty similar to what I would imagine mine would be like...I am a super clutz though I might not have survived, lol. Congrats on the paycheck! It feels good to work, right? I love it. Have a great weekend!

    Pamela @

  2. Glad you survive snow tubing ;) Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. A snow day read a thon?! Sounds wonderful...where do I sign up?


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