
Friday, February 14, 2014

Stacking the Shelves ~ 2/15/14

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
This week I added the following to my shelf:

Jane Austen Ruined My Life   Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3)  It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2)

Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways, #3)  The Dashwood Sisters Tell All

Happy Reading!


  1. Oh they're new to me but I love historical romances. Happy reading and enjoy!

  2. Jane Austen Ruined my Life looks good, and more than a little humorous. And Tempt Me At Midnight looks luscious! I love Historical Romances. Nice haul, Coletta, I hope you'll enjoy all your new acquisitions :)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  3. I really need to start reading more historical romance. They have some of the best swoon scenes. I hope you enjoy all of your new lovely books :) Happy reading!

    Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

  4. Jane Austen Ruined My Life looks great! I hope you enjoy all of your books! :-)

  5. Jane Austen ruined my life looks hilarious and funny. Some interesting taste in Historical Romance. . Great haul.

    Books of Love

  6. Some of those I really need to look into -- historical romance is a weak spot of mine. Hope you enjoy them!

    My STS, if you're interested.

  7. I want to read Jane Austen Ruined My Life! It's so true. lol I hope you enjoy all your reads:)

  8. Jane Austen Ruined My Life...bahaha! That is such an epic title and cover! My StS!

  9. Those look great! Hope you enjoy them all & Happy late Valentine's Day!

    My STS this week :)

  10. I liked Jane Austen Ruined My Life, and I didn't know that she had another one out. I will have to add it to my list. Happy reading :)

    My StS

  11. Great haul! Jane Austen Ruined My Life, such a great title for a book. The Dashwood Sisters Tell All looks really great too. I hope you enjoy all your books :) My STS.

  12. Great haul! I havent read some of these but I hope you enjoy your books!

    Check out our STS.

    Leydy @ OUaT & Redcarpetendings

  13. I keep meaning to read Lisa Kleypas but it's a matter of squeezing her books into my schedule. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  14. I love the cover for Ruined my Life! Great haul
    New follower :)
    ­Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  15. Ruined my life looks good, hope you enjoy


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