
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Book Review ~ Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart by Beth Pattillo ~ 5/5!

Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart

Title:  "Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart"
Series:  Adventures with Jane Austen Book #2
Author:  Beth Pattillo
Publisher:  Guideposts
Publication Date:  2/1/10
Pages:  263

Book Description:

Claire Prescott is a sensible woman who believes in facts and figures, not fairy tales. But when she agrees to present a paper to a summer symposium at Oxford on her ailing sister's behalf, Claire finds herself thrown into an adventure with a gaggle of Jane Austen-loving women all on the lookout for their Mr. Darcy. Claire isn't looking for Mr. Anyone. She's been dating Neil -- a nice if a bit negligent -- sports fanatic. But when a tall, dark and dashing stranger crosses her path, will the staid Claire suddenly discover her inner romantic heroine? 

Her chance meeting with a mysterious woman who claims to have an early version of Austen's Pride and Prejudice -- in which Lizzie ends up with someone other than Fitzwilliam Darcy -- leads to an astounding discovery about the venerated author's own struggle to find the right hero for Lizzie Bennett. Neil's unexpected arrival in Oxford complicates Claire's journey to finding her own romantic lead. 

Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart is the story of a woman who finds that love isn't logical and that a true hero can appear in the most unexpected of places.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

I devoured this book in one, snowy afternoon.

Pride and Prejudice is my all-time favorite Austen novel.  At first, I was a bit skeptical about reading passages of an "alternate" manuscript but I quickly came to love reading those bits and seeing how they differed from the real story-line.

I loved Claire's romantic  dilemma as well.  Tried and true or new and adventurous?  You'll have to read to find out :)

A Brief Excerpt:

"Whoever he was, he was the handsomest man I'd ever seen in my life.  He took two steps into the room and surveyed the paltry occupants.  An older gentleman, probably retired, sat by the door.  A young man with floppy blond hair and white ear-buds lounged in the corner.  And then there was me."

Page 6

The Cover:

Gorgeous!  The red dress against the backdrop of the green countryside is just amazing.  I have to admit that I liked the drama of "Jane Austen Ruined My Life"'s cover just a bit more.

Other Notes:

~  This is a nice, clean read.
~Many thanks to my "Books 'n' Bloggers swap partner for this book!


5/5  I Loved It!

On to the next book,

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