
Monday, March 11, 2013

Listicles ~ Smells ~ 3/11/13

"10 Smells I Love"

1.  Evergreen

2.  A clean house.

3.  My husband's cologne (OK it is really just his deodorant)

4.  Scented Candles

5.  Lilac

6.  Roses

7.  The pool on a hot day :)

8.  Melted chocolate

9.  Baby lotion

10.  Jergen's Cherry Almond lotion


Happy Monday!


  1. I LOVE #10. In the summer I use that lotion. It smells so GOOD!

  2. I've never smelled #10 - but it sounds like it smells wonderful!

  3. Ty so much for coming by my place Ramblings of a Southern Angel. I love visitors. I have never smelled #10 either but now I will have to look for it. I have a melted chocolate smelling house around the holidays because I am the candy maker in the family. Peanut Butter balls, peanut butter rolls, hard candy. You name it I make it.

  4. I used to enjoy a lot of those smells you mentioned but, somewhere along the way, I became allergic to most of them. But an evergreen tree--still enjoy those. And a clean house---as long as I don't use chemicals to clean it. And the day I become allergic to the smell (or taste)of chocolate, I might as well do myself in. LOL

  5. Mmmmm! Chocolate! How could I forget it?

  6. I'm not sure what a clean house smell like LOL, not mine anyway. Love you how you disguised chlorine

  7. Thanks for stopping by my site, Colletta. I love the smell of my husband's cologne, too (it's actually cologne but he doesn't often remember to wear it).

    A clean house smell is good, too, although I can relate to Paul (above)! We use a Trader Joe's natural cleaning spray, and I do like that smell!

  8. The pool on a hot day I never thought of that smell that's pretty cool.

  9. Oh, I use that lotion in summer too. Awesome.
    My kids lick my skin.
    not awesome :)

  10. Oh YES - Jergen's Cherry Almond lotion is a really addicting smell...for the longest time I never knew what the scent of that lotion was called...but it is really nice.

    I love the pink baby lotion scent too!
    And I love when scented candles really fill a room with the scent they are intended to smell like.

  11. They all sound like WONDERFUL smells.

    I love the smell of bread baking.

    Silver's Reviews

  12. Evergreens and pool on a hot summer day...yes yes yes!

  13. Lilac - yes! I forgot about that one. Spring will soon be here. And of course, I'm with you on the husband's deodarant. :-)

  14. I guess I haven’t read such unique material anywhere else online.


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