
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Book Review ~ Beyond the Valley by Rita Gerlach

I am pleased to say that I am taking part in the above Pump Up Your Book blog tour!  You can click on the above picture to go find out more details about the book, the author, and other tour stops.

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.*


Title:  "Beyond the Valley"
Series:  Daughters of the Potomac Book #3
Author:  Rita Gerlach
Publisher:  Abingdon Press
Publication Date:  2/1/13
Pages:  336
Buy from Amazon:  HERE

Book Description:

When Sarah Carr’s husband Jamie drowns, her young life is shattered and takes a turn that she never expected. Pregnant and now widowed, she reaches out to Jamie’s family for help, but they are unwilling. Instead they devise a plan to have her kidnapped and taken to the Colonies to live a life of servitude. Sarah’s new life in the Colonies finds her surrounded by a family’s whirlwind of secrets, while she hopes the young doctor she loves with will bring her freedom.


Rita Gerlach writes inspirational historical fiction with a romantic bent, with unique settings in both America and England. She lives with her husband and two sons in a historical town nestled along the Catoctin Mountains amid Civil War battlefields and Revolutionary War outposts in central Maryland.
Her latest book is Beyond the Valley.

My Overall Feeling of the Book:

My feelings were mixed with this book.  If it is possible, I think there might have been a little too much drama.  Every time Sarah turned around her life was being up-ended.  And Sarah, herself, was very dramatic.

I did enjoy the characters, the description of the setting and the storyline.  It just got to be a bit confusing with all the places and names.

A Brief Excerpt:
"When he left, Sarah drew back the curtains and the room flooded with morning light.  From the window she watched him climb back into the saddle and turn his horse.  If felt as if a part of her left with him."
Page 138

The Cover:

The cover is gorgeous.  The colors are so rich and bold.  The green behind the title and the burgundy of the skirt along with Sarah's hair all came together to be a very beautiful cover.  I also like how you can see a hint of the river behind Sarah.

Other Notes:

~A good stand-alone book if you haven't read the full series.



On to the next book,

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