
Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Monday! What Am I Reading? ~ 3/11/13


The book I am currently reading is:

Sixty Acres and a Bride

With nothing to their names, young widow Rosa Garner and her mother-in-law return to Texas and the family ranch. Only now the county is demanding back taxes and the women have only three months to pay. 
Though facing eviction, Rosa can't keep herself from falling in love with the countryside and the wonderful extended family who want only her best. Learning the American customs is not easy, however, and this beautiful young widow can't help but catch wandering eyes. Where some offer help with dangerous strings attached, only one man seems honorable. But when Weston Garner, still grieving his own lost love, is unprepared to give his heart, to what lengths will Rosa go to save her future?


I'm on approx. page 60 and I can see a lot of the Ruth/Naomi/Boaz theme coming through.  I am enjoying this book greatly so far :)

Also Reading This Week:
Love in the Balance by Regina Jennings

What are you reading today?


  1. Sixty Acres and a Bride looks tempting...enjoy! Thanks for sharing...and here's MY MONDAY MEMES POST

  2. Sounds interesting, Thanks for sharing.

    What I'm Reading.

  3. Randon question- How do you get those wiggly lines/ dividers? Do you have to put them into posts or is there some button to press that lets you do it?

    Did a post on what I was reading a week or two ago, but I suppose another one could be done......

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying your read. I hope the ending is as good as the rest of it and that you have a great week!

  5. I've heard great things about Sixty Acres and a Bride. Enjoy! (And thanks for stopping by yesterday.) :)


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