
Friday, December 7, 2012

Coffee Date ~ 12/7/12

Won't you come meet Alissa (above), me and the girls for a coffee date,
or in my case, hot chocolate with whipped cream or maybe a chai tea?

Hello, everyone!  I hope you're having a good week.  Here some highlights from my week:

~It is December!  Are you excited?  I am because I could get my Christmas music out to listen to.  Also, I can force ask my hubby to watch Christmas movies with me.  I watched a really cute Hallmark movie last night called "A Bride for Christmas".

~Last Saturday evening after all the housework was (kinda) done, the girls and I sat done and wrote our Christmas cards.  I signed the inside of all the cards but let the girls write the names on the front and draw pictures to decorate the envelopes.  Well, not on the ones I was mailing but the ones we would be handing out to family and Church family.  It was a really fun project to do together.

~I committed to "13 in 2013".  That means I will be trying my absolute best to complete 13 5ks in 2013!  I've already signed up for a few virtual 5ks and have some actual 5ks in mind.  I have a tab at the top of my blog where you can see more info.  What have I gotten myself into?  yikes!

~I kept Laken home from school yesterday.  She had been running a slight fever for a few days and I wanted her to have a whole day to just rest.  Her fever was gone this morning but she tried her best to talk me into letting her stay home again today.  It was not a pleasant morning, to say the least.

~This has been Kaylee's 3rd full week of Basketball practice and she is still enjoying it.  Her first game isn't until December 18th.

~It is almost vacation!  We'll be putting the shop into "Vacation Mode" on December 12th so that we can get finished up on orders and have some time to just relax and enjoy Christmas.  Things have been really hectic lately so I'm looking forward to some down time to bake cookies and work on some fun projects for gifts.

~I used Wal-Mart's online photo shop yesterday to print some pictures for a birthday present.  It was easy and fairly cheap.  I'll have to see what the prints look like when they come to really judge it fairly though.

~Tonight is Family Movie night.  We'll order a pizza and find a movie to watch together.  Any suggestions?

So, how was your week?

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