
Friday, December 7, 2012

I Remember Christmas ~ Holiday Parties ~ 12/7/12

December 7 ~ Holiday Parties

Did your family throw a holiday party each year?  Do you remember attending any holiday parties?
Growing up, my family always met at my Grandmother's for a Christmas Eve celebrations.  We had food, cookies, exchanged presents and just had a great time together.  After she passed, we have been moving the location almost every year to a relative' home. 

Last year, we all met at my cousin Steph's house.  She was "heavy with child" and we decided to meet there so that she wouldn't have to travel anywhere.  This year we'll be meeting at our house on Christmas Eve.

We also attend a few other parties/events throughout the season.  The ladies at my Church always have a Christmas party where we go out to eat and exchange gifts after having a Devotion.

The Adult Group from Church is also having a potluck dinner to get together and exchange gifts.

We also always have a Christmas Game night for everyone to attend and have fun.  And on the Sunday evening before Christmas, we meet and go Christmas caroling and then come back to the Church for hot chocolate, cookies and snacks.

As you can see, most of my activities revolve around my family and Church.

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